Course: ECD Module 2 (2024)

Topic outline

  • Course: ECD Module 2 (1)


    • Announcements Forum

    • MGSLG. (2013). Module 2 Learner Guide File 1.8MB

    • MGSLG. (2013). Mdule 2 Learner Workbook File 1.2MB

    • MGSLG. (2013). Module 2 Learner PoE Guide File 695.4KB

    • 107KB

    • MGSLG. (2013). Module 2 Programme Curriculum, Strategy and Alignment File 357.3KB

  • Course: ECD Module 2 (8)


    • Course: ECD Module 2 (9)

      The first of the online synchronous meetings will take place on Date | Time. Attendance is mandatory.

    • Programme overview

      Welcome to this learning programme! By the end of this program, you will have a:

      • Demonstrating knowledge and understanding in the development of babies, toddlers and young children
      • Understanding of the language and communication used in occupational learning programmes.

      As you work your way through the learning programme, you will gain competence against the following unit standards:

      Click on the link belowto find out further information on this learning programme:

      • Which persons this learning programme is intended for
      • The entry level requirements
      • Programme outcomes
      • Assessments
      • Learning map (delivery structure)
      • Learner support.
    • Additional programme information Page

    • Programme resources

    • MGSLG. (2013). Module 2 Learner Guide File 1.8MB

    • MGSLG. (2013). Mdule 2 Learner Workbook File 1.2MB

    • MGSLG. (2013). Module 2 Learner PoE Guide File 695.4KB

    • 107KB

    • MGSLG. (2013). Module 2 Programme Curriculum, Strategy and Alignment File 357.3KB

    • Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) Instructions??????

      As mentioned in your study guides, there are two types of assessments present in each module:

      • Formative assessments
        • These assessments take the form of activities which are required to be completed throughout each unit of study
        • All the module's activities must be completed in this module's learner workbook
        • Use this same learner workbook through the entirety of the module
        • Save your learner workbook in the following format: Module 2 Learner Workbook_Full name
        • At the end of the module, you will receive instructions on how to submit your learner workbook into your ePortfolio
        • Each module of study will have their own unique learner workbook
      • Summative assessment: this takes the form of knowledge questions, a practical activity and project at the end of each module
        • Detailed instructions will be provided on how to submit your summative assessment at the end of the module.

      Checklists are required to be completed throughout the progress of this module of study. You may complete these checklists in your relevant guide / workbook for your own records but online versions of these checklists are available for both the learner and the supervisors / facilitator including the facility for electronic sign off by all relevant parties. These links will be made available at the end of each module.

  • Course: ECD Module 2 (16)

    1: The Development of Babies, Toddlers and Young Children

    • Learning outcomes

      After completing this learning unit, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding ofthe development of babies, toddlers and young children, by successfullycompleting the following:

      • Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the theories of child development
      • Comparing your own views about the meaning and use of key terms to the views of others,showing how such views influence our ways of seeing and working with children
      • Comparing different ways of seeing the development of young children to highlight keysimilarities and differences in the theories
      • Describing thestages in the development of children in each domain in line with existingtheories
      • Identifying the factors that enable the development of children in each domain in line withrelevant existing theories
      • Ensuring that explanations of how gender, socio-economic background, age, environmentand special needs impact on the development of children in each domain areconsistent with established theories or literature and the principles ofinclusion and anti-bias
      • Providing descriptions to show how development is shaped by socio-cultural influences
      • Providing descriptions to show how development withineach domain is linked to and affected by development in other domains.

    • Unit 1 study materials

      Included below is a study guide in PDF format as well as an online study guide. The study guides contain the same information as that contained in the module guide, but they are just relevant to unit 1.

    • MGSLG. (2013). Learning Unit 1 Study Guide File 588.2KB

    • Unit 1 Online Study Guide Page

    • Additional study resources

      Click on the links below to view additional resources relevant to this unit of study.

    • Simple Psychology. McLeod, Dr S. (2020). Jean Piaget's Theory and Stages of Cognitive Development (C) URL

    • Lumen. (nd). Emotional and social development during infancy (View site for full list of licences and attributions) URL

    • Activity 1: Development of babies, toddlers and young children

      In your learner workbook, complete the following activity individually:

      • Activity 1 on page 3 of your learner workbook
      • Ensure that you save your learner workbook in the following format: Module 2 Learner Workbook_Full name
      • This workbook will be used throughout module two.

    • MGSLG. (2013). Module 2 Learner Workbook File 1.2MB

    • Rubrics

      Your assessor will use the rubrics below when assessing your PoE.

    • Module 2: Rubrics Page

  • Course: ECD Module 2 (23)

    2: Learning Resources and Occupational Learning Materials and Context

    • Course: ECD Module 2 (24)

      This online synchronous meeting will take place on Date | Time. Attendance is mandatory.

    • Learning outcomes

      After completing this learning unit, you will be able to access, use and manage suitable learningresources, manage occupational learning materials and reflect on howcharacteristics of the workplace and occupational context affect learning. You will be able to:

      • Identify relevant learning resources
      • Use learning resources effectively and manage it throughappropriate selection and cross-referencing of information and acknowledgementof sources
      • Organise and use occupational learning materials for optimumlearning
      • Understand and use layout, presentation and organisationalfeatures of learning materials effectively
      • Engage technical language/terminology with and clarificationsought if needed
      • Identify the sector and organisation type
      • Describe and discuss the workplace features
      • Describe and discuss the ways in which these featuresaffect learning processes and/or application of learning.
    • Unit 2 study materials

      Included below is a study guide in PDF format as well as an online study guide. The study guides contain the same information as that contained in the module guide, but they are just relevant to unit 2.

    • MGSLG. (2013). Module 2 Unit 2 Learning Guide File 540.3KB

    • Unit 2 Online Study Guide Page

    • Additional study resources

      Click on the links below to view additional resources relevant to this unit of study.

    • Learning Resources UK. (2020). Learning Resources Peekaboo Learning Farm (Standard YouTube licence) URL


    • Activity 2: Learning resources and the occupational learning materials and context

      In the same learner workbook, complete the following activity individually:

      • Activity 2 on page 6 of your learner workbook.

  • Course: ECD Module 2 (29)

    3: Formulate and Use Learning Strategies

    • Course: ECD Module 2 (30)

      This online synchronous meeting will take place onDate | Time. Attendance is mandatory.

    • Learning outcomes

      After completing this learning unit, you will be able to formulate and use learning strategies. You will also be able to:

      • Formulate learning strategies byselection of specific tried techniques
      • Summarise and use information in thelearning process
      • Synthesise and contextualise answerspertaining to relevant questions
      • Read/view texts for detail, interpret, analyse andsynthesise it for a given context
      • Interpret, analyse and synthesise verbal interaction for agiven context
      • Ensure that learning takes place through communicatingwith others in groups or as individuals.

    • Unit 3 study materials

      Included below is a study guide in PDF format as well as an online study guide. The study guides contain the same information as that contained in the module guide, but the information is just relevant to unit 3.

    • MGSLG. (2013) Module 2 Unit 3 Learning Guide File 537.6KB

    • Unit 3 Online Study Guide Page

    • Additional study resources

      Click on the links below to view additional resources relevant to this unit of study.

    • Wyland Parks, A. (nd) Learning strategies (C) URL

    • Activity 3: Formulate and use learning strategies

      In the same learner workbook, complete the following activity individually:

      • Activity 3 on page 12 of your learner workbook.

  • Course: ECD Module 2 (35)

    4: Conduct Research, Analyse and Present Findings

    • Course: ECD Module 2 (36)

      This online synchronous meeting will take place onDate | Time. Attendance is mandatory.

    • Learning outcomes

      After completing this learning unit, you will be able to conduct research, analyse and present findings. You will be able to:

      • Identify and define appropriate or relevant topic and scope
      • Plan and sequence research steps appropriately
      • Apply research techniques
      • Sift information for relevance
      • Classify, categorise and sort information
      • Analyse research findings and present it in the appropriateformat
      • Make conclusions and recommendations in theappropriate format.

    • Unit 4 study materials

      Included below is a study guide in PDF format as well as an online study guide. The study guides contain the same information as that contained in the module guide, but the information is just relevant to unit 4.

    • MGSLG. (2013). Module 2 Unit 4 Learning Guide File 469KB

    • Unit 4 Online Study Guide Page

    • Additional study resources

      Click on the links below to view additional resources relevant to this unit of study.

    • Activity 4: Conduct research, analyse and present findings

      In the same learner workbook, complete the following activity individually:

      • Activity 4 on page 18 of your learner workbook.

  • Course: ECD Module 2 (40)

    5: Lead and Function in a Team

    • Course: ECD Module 2 (41)

      This online synchronous meeting will take place onDate | Time. Attendance is mandatory.

    • Learning outcomes

      After completing this learning unit, you will be able to lead and function in a team. You will be able to:

      • Actively lead and participate in group learning situations
      • Take up responsibilities in the team and apply group workconventions in learning situations
      • Practise conflict management and negotiating techniques indiverse contexts
      • Ensure that team work results in meaningful products,outcomes or goals.

    • Unit 5 study materials

      Included below is a study guide in PDF format as well as an online study guide. The study guides contain the same information as that contained in the module guide, but the information is just relevant to unit 5.

    • MGSLG. (2013). Module 2 Unit 5 Learning Guide File 373.8KB

    • Unit 5 Online Study Guide Page

    • Additional study resources

      Click on the links below to view additional resources relevant to this unit of study.

    • Eva Burrows College. (2019). Lead and manage team effectiveness (Standard Vimeo licence) URL

    • Activity 5: Lead and function in a team

      In the same learner workbook, complete the following activity:

      • Activity 5 on page 21 of your learner workbook
      • Before answering question 3 (pg 22) participate in the group discussion
      • Thereafter record your thoughts by answering question 3 (post the group discussion).

    • Activity 5: Question 3 group discussion Forum

    • Submission instructions

      • Ensure that you have saved your learner workbook in the following format: Module 2 Learner Workbook_Full name
      • Complete the Reflection document below
      • Save your reflection in the following format: Module 2 Reflection_Full name
      • Submit your workbook and reflection by following the instructions in the submission tool.
    • Module 2 Reflection File 31.2KB

    • Module 2 Learner Workbook Submission Tool: NO GRADING!!! Assignment

    • Facilitator observation checklist

      Your facilitator will provide feedback on the participation of each learner in this module by accessing the online checklist below. Each learner is required to electronically sign the online document to confirm that he / she has received the observation feedback.

    • Module 2: Facilitator: Learner Observation Checklist URL

  • Course: ECD Module 2 (49)

    References and Additional Readings

      • Armecin, G; Behrman, JR; et al.(2006): Early Childhood Developmentthrough an integrated Program: Evidence from the Philippines. World Bank,Impact evaluation series; no. IE 2 Policy, Research working paper; no. WPS 3922
      • Cantwell, N. (2006): Children without parental care: Qualitativealternatives, Early Childhood Matters 105, Bernard van Leer Foundation
      • Early Childhood Care andDevelopment Group (2002): Early ChildhoodIndicators, Coordinator's Notebook Issue 25
      • Early Childhood Care andDevelopment Group (2002): HIV/AIDS andEarly Childhood, Coordinator's Notebook Issue 26
      • Orrego, M. E. (1994) Life is difficult - Let's play first!Celebrations as a vehicle of building family and community life, Zero toThree bulletin Vol. 14
      • Richter, L. (2004): The impact of HIV/AIDS on the development ofchildren, Published in Monograph no 109, Dec 2004 A Generation at risk?HIV/AIDS vulnerable children and security in South Africa
      • Sherr, L. (2005): HIV and young children: An annotatedbibliography on psychosocial perspectives, Working papers in EarlyChildhood Development: Young child and HIV/AIDSsub-series 34, Bernard van Leer Foundation
      • Shonkoff, J. P. (2004): Science, Policy, and the Young DevelopingChild, Closing the Gap Between What We Know, Published by Ounce ofPrevention Fund
      • World Health Organisation(1999): A critical link: interventionsfor physical growth and psychological development
      • Engleberg, I. , Wynn, D. , & Schuttler R. (2003).Working in groups: Communication Principles and Strategies (3rd ed. ). Boston: HoughtonMifflin, p. 154.
    • Daskal, L. (nd). Learn from others (Full copyright) URL

    • Unicef South Africa: Home page URL

  • Course: ECD Module 2 (52)

    Summative Assessment

    • Individually, complete the following summative assessment activities and submit these as part of your PoE:

      Knowledge questions

      In the submission tool below is a Word document which contains the questions for this section of the summative assessment. Answer these questions by typing in the answer boxes provided. Submission instructions are included.

    • Submission tool: Knowledge questions Assignment

    • Practical activities

      • Details of the required practical activities are included on pages 38 - 39 of the learner PoE guide
      • To summarise, you are required to:
      1. Create a presentation on: 'How our ways of seeing the development of babies, toddlers and young children impact on the way we teach and what needs to change'
        1. Take note of what information must be included in your presentation (page 38)
        2. Acknowledge your sources
        3. You will also be required to submit a video recording of your presentation
      2. Write a short reflection on: 'How characteristics of the workplace and occupational context affect learning'. Ensure that you cover the three points on page 39 in your reflection
      3. Request online feedback from your supervisor
    • Review the rubrics that will be used when assessing your activites (pages 41 - 42 of the learner PoE guide and also see below)
    • Complete your practical activity checklist online
    • Request your supervisor to complete the 'Witness testimony' questionnaire online
    • Complete your logbook online
    • Once you have completed all the assessment activities, request your supervisor to check that you have indeed completed all the required activities and that they have been placed in your PoE in the order which appears in the assessment activities checklist. The supervisor is able to complete this checklist online by clicking on the link below.

  • Rubrics

    Your assessor will use the rubrics below when assessing your PoE.

  • Module 2: Rubrics Page

  • Glossary

    Click on the link below to view a list of relevant terms and their definitions.

  • Module 2: Glossary Page

  • Online checklists - MOVE ONTO MG SERVER!!!!

  • Learner: Practical activity checklist URL

  • Supervisor feedback: Practical activities URL

  • Supervisor: Witness testimony URL

  • Supervisor: Assessment activity checklist URL

  • Learner logbook URL

  • Summative activities: submission instructions

    You are required to submit the following:

    1. Your video recorded presentation. In addition to the recording, you should include:
      1. Presentation slides
      2. Copies / printouts of the resources you consulted
      3. At least two of the following: brainstorming notes, group analysis, peer and self assessment, mind maps, key words, underlining, charts, maps, plans, diagrams or electronic texts (menus, screens, links)
      4. A glossary of technical language (including at least five words)
    2. Your one page reflection.

    The above two activities will be submittedseparately. Click on the appropriate submission tool and follow the instructions accordingly.

  • Presentation submission tool: CHECK THE GRADING!! Assignment

  • Reflection report: Submission tool Assignment

  • Course: ECD Module 2 (2024)
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    Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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    Author information

    Name: Tuan Roob DDS

    Birthday: 1999-11-20

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    Job: Marketing Producer

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    Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.