Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)

1 June 9, 1970 SPRINGFIELD (Mo.) LEADER PRESS Today's Market For complete stock market details read The Daily News, regularly 1:30 STOCKS 2:30 NEW YORK TIME 207 S. Jefferson Phone 862-4363 Quotations by Reinholdt Gardner Allied Stores General Electric Phelps Dodge Chalmers Genmral Motors Philip Morris "American Airlines Gen. Phillips Pet. American Motors Gillette Radio Corp. American Standard Glassrock Inc.

Republic Steel American T. Greyhound Reynolds Brands Gulf Oil Safeway Stores 25 Anaconda Cop. Illinois Central .20 St. L.L- San Fran Beth. Steel IBM Sears Roebuck Block Intern.

Harv'str. Sperry Rand Borg Warner Johns-Manville. Std. Oil Cal. Burroughs Kaufman Broad.

Std. Oil NJ Canadian Export Kennecott Copper Sterling Drug Ches. Ohio Laciede Studebaker Chrysler Lerner Stores 23 Swift Co. Cities Service Ligg. Myers Tenneco Comsat Litton Texaco Cons.

Freight Minn. Mining Tidewater Marine Con. Airlines McDonald. Union Carbide Dayco Mobil Oil. United Aircraft Deere Co.

Marco UAL Delta Motorola Uniroyal Dow Chemical Marley Co. U.S. Steel Pont. 116 Olin U.S. Upjohn Eastman Kodak.

Plywood Empire Emerson Dis. Elec. Electric Pacific Pet. Western Westinghouse Union 43 Penney (JC) Zenith -Gen. Dynamics Penn Central.

Ex Dividend Produce Missouri egg market: Matket steadier. Prices unchanged. Supplies generally balanced with a fair to good demand. Prices paid to producers, on grade yield basis, cases exchanged, cents per dozen for 24 bours ending 11 a.m. Tuesday: A Large or better, 27-33; A Medium, 18- 25; A Small, 10-16; Large, 26-30.

Sales to Missouri-Kansas breakers: Mar. ket steady. Prices unchanged. Supplies ample for trade needs, Prices paid by breakers, dollars per case, delivered to dock. pound minImum average, cases exchanged for 24 hours ending 11 a.m.

Tuesday: Unclassified farm rum, 6.60-7.90, mostly 7.50-7.65; undergrades and checks, too few to report. NEW YORK (Urner Barry) Extra Large, 38; A Large, 34; A Medium, Pullets, Pee Wees, 13; Standards, Chex, 20. CHICAGO A Large, 33; A Medium, 25; Standards, 30; Chex, 18. The first official U.S. penetration of the West Coast was made by Lewis and Clark in 1806 at what is now Portland, Ore.

WEATHER By RAY NELSON Typical early June weather is dominating the Ozarks weather scene as sunny days and mild nights continue throughout the region. Temperatures were continuing to creep slowly upward and high marks yesterday reached the lower 80s. Joplin was the warmest in the area with 83 degrees. Lows in the Ozarks last night ranged from 54 at West Plains, for the coolest, to a warmer 68 at Joplin, Temperatures are expected to continue a slow upward climb through Wednesday, but as the warming trend continues a few scattered showers and thunderstorms are expected to develop, with possibly some spotty showers in the western reaches of the Ozarks tonight and on Wednesday. There will be slightly better chances for an increase in the shower activity Thursday.

A trough of low pressure was located in the Plains states early today, developing ahead of a cool front which was trying to move eastward through the Rockies. Scattered showers and thunderstorms have been occurring in the Plains states in the trough of low pressure, with some scattered thundershowers reported in the central sections of Kansas and others widely. scattered in the eastern extremes of the Dakotas and into southern Minnesota and northern Iowa. Other widely-scattered showers were reported in the inter-mountain region of the Rockies in association with the weak cool front that looped from western Montana into Nevada. Most of the cloudiness in the nation was located in the extreme West and the inter.

mountain region of the Rockies. There was some cloudiness scattered through the Plains into the upper Midwest in association with scattered thundershowers. Otherwise, the remainder of the nation was reporting mostly sunny weather along with temperatures generally normal for the seaHighest temperature reported in the Lion yesterday was 101 at Phoenix, -and Imperial, Calif, Lowest this morning was 36 degrees at Alamosa, Colo. WEATHER DATA FOR SPRINGFIELD Temperatures: Highest yesterday 82; lowest yesterday 58; lowest this morning. 62; highest this date in 81 years 96 1911; lowest this date in 81 years 51 in 1930; high a year ago 64; low a year ago 58.

Precipitation: Rain or melted snow from 6 yesterday to 6 a.m. today 0: heaviest rain this date in 81 years 2.66 in. 1928. Sun: Rose this morning sets tonight length of daylight 14 hours, 40 minutes. Data supplied by U.S.

Department of Commerce Weather Bureau: first column, highest temperature yesterday; second, lowest last night: third, precipitation durins past 24 hours ending 6 a.m. Stations High Low Pree. Albuquerque 49 .14 Amarillo 68 Birmingham 86 58 Boise 53. .48 Boston Buffalo, Chicago Columbia Denver 52 Des Moines Detroit Duluth Fort Smith Fort Worth Kansas City Little Rock Memphis Miami Beach ...86 Minneapolis. New Orleans New York Oklahoma City Phoenix.

.101 Pittsburgh Salt Lake City. Seattle St. Louis 85 SPRINGFIELD Tulsa Washington West Plains Wichita MISSOURI Some increase in cloudiness and warm through Wednesday; a chance of showers and thundershowers west. spreading through east portion by late Wednesday. High Wednesday 85 to 94.

Low tonight 65.19 72. KANSAS Partly cloudy tonight and Wednesday with a chance of few widely scattered, thundershowers east this evening. extromo cast- toninht and northwest and extreme west on Wednesday: little change in temperature. Low tonight in 608, High Wednesday mid to lower 900. OKLAHOMA Partly cloudy warm and windy through Wednesdays scattered after soon and evening, thundershowers becoming more numerous on Wednesday, Highs Wednesday 06 to 92, Lows tonight 65 to 70.

Cash Grains MPA. Milling Company Feed Grains Corn (per bu.) Milo (per cwt.) Oats (per bu.) Barley (per bu.) $1.05 Hard $1.40 Soybean $2.15 CHICAGO (AP) Soybeans and grain futures prices were mostly higher in early dealings today. On the opening, wheat was cent bushel lower to higher, July 1.34⅝* corn was lower to higher, July 1.30%; oats were unchanged to higher, July cents, rye was higher, July 1.06 and soybeans were to higher, July 2.76¼. Livestock HOGS -Early estimates 1000. Barrows and gilts 50 to 75 cents higher.

Few 1s and 25, 200-230 25.25; 1s and 35, 200-240 24.50-25; 2s and 39. 230-250 24; 24.50% 29 and 45, 250-270 lbs 23-24. Sows. steady to 25 cents higher. U.S.

ils and 35, 18.50-19; 2s and 39, 400-600 17.50-18.50. SHEEP Boars, Early estimates 150. Spring slaughter lambs, steady to 25 cents lower. Ewes steady. Spring lambs, choice and prime, 80-105 27-28; good and low choice, 65-90 25-27.

Ewes, cull to good, 3.50-7. CATTLE CALVES Early estimates 750. Slaughter cows active, steady. Bulls steady to weak, Vealers $1 lower, Slaughter calves slow, weak. Cows, commercial, 20.50-21.50; utility, 18.50-21; 21- dressing, 23.50; cutter, canner, Bulls, utility to good, 26-27.

Choice vealers, 38-40; good, 34-38. Choice slaughter calves, 30-33. Feeders, steady, Choice 300-500 lb. steers, 34-40. Choice 300-500 lb.

heifers, 30-35. NATIONAL STOCKYARDS, II. (AP) Hogs barrow and gilts 50 higher; 1-2 200-220 lbs 25.50-25.75; 1-3. 200-250 ibs. 24.50- 2-4 220-300 lbs 22.50-25.00: 3-4 270-400 lbs 20.00-22.25: 1-29 17-180 Ibss 23.50-sows 25 to 50 higher; 1-3 300-400 lbs 19.00-19.75; 2-3 490-650 lbs 17.75-19.00.

Cattle calves 100; steer steady to strong, instances 25 higher; heifers and cows steady; steers, high choice and prime lbs 30.25-3:.50; cholce lbs 29.00-30.00; mixed good and choice 29.00-29.50; good 28.00-29.00: heifers, load and few small lots choice and prime 900-975 lbs 29.00-29.50 choice lbs 28.50- 29.00: good and low choice 26.50-28.50; cows 21.00-22.50; calves slow; weak to 2.00 lower; choice 36.00-40.00; good 33.00-36.00; standard 30.00-33.00: few good and choice calves arouknd 330 Iba 30.00-33.00. Sheep 200; lambs 25 to 50 lower; ewes steady; spring lambs choice and prime 90- 110 lbs 29.50-30.00; good and choice 28.00- 29.00; old crop lambs choice 904110 Ibs 25.00-28.00; ewes 7.00-8.00. Noon OTC Quotes Anheuser Busch 68 A. B. Chance Carboline Chase Nat.

Life Commerce Bancshares 42 Computer Usage Empire Bank First Union, Inc. 36 Founders Frontier Tower Mallinckrodt. Midwest Fire Mid Nat. Modern Amer. Modern Sec.

Life Ocean Drilling Paul Mueller Russell Stover Progressive Pott Industries 11 Seven Up 1 Trading Slow, Market Gains NEW YORK (AP) The stock market posted a moderate advance Monday in slow trading and erased a small part of the sharp losses suffered late last week. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks gained 5.20 points to close at 700.23. Winning issues led losers on the New York Stock Exchange 669 to 589. Big Board volume was 8.04 million shares. Analysts said the light turnover indicated many investors had retreated to the sidelines to await news developments that could influence the market.

Monday's turnabout followed two sessions in which the Dow industrial average had skidded 18 points. Brokers attributed the tumble to investors taking profits on phenomenal gains made over a six-session span that ended last Wednesday. That rally had sent the average soaring some 82 points. About 75 percent of the boundary line between Oregon and Washington is formed by the Columbia River. Data From U.S.

WEATHER BURSAU COOL 055181 ALL Figures Show Law Tamperetures 70 Unit Wednesday Presigitarian Her Indicated Confule -Associated Press Wirrpheta Clear Here Showers are forecast tonight in the Midwest, South and West. Rain is expected it the Weal. There will be mild weather in the Dast, warm weather in the Midwest and cool. weather in the West. Daily Record SPRINGFIELD: POR ABOUT 120,000 ALTITUDE: 1324 FT.

CLIMATE: FINE To Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Ewing, Ro. gersville, girl. 7:56 p.m.

June 8, Cox. To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boettcher, Republic, a girl. 8:15 p.m.

June 8, Cox. To Mr. and Mrs. Terry Asher, Aurora, twin boys, 0:24 p.m. and 9:34 p.m.

June Cox. To Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. Vaughan, 2216 North Nettleton, a boy, 1:09 a.m.

June 9, Cox. To Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lewellen, Route 5, girl, 2:45 a.m. June 9, Cox.

To Mr, and Mrs. Joe Byrnes, 3345 South Dayton, girl, 10:27 a.m. June 8, St. John's To Mr. and Mrs.

Rick Rice, 0112 North Robberson, a boy, 12:58 p.m. June 8, St. John's. To Mr. and Mrs.

William Hicks, 1225 West Kearney, a girl, 12:35 p.m. June 8, St. John's. To Mr. and Mrs.

Daniel Beach, 2328 Cambridge, a boy, 7:13 p.m. June 8, St. John's. To Mr. and Mrs.

Floyd Litton, 2829 South Fremont, a boy, 8 p.m. June 8, St. John's. To Mr. and Mrs.

James McAnally, Ozark, a boy, 8:12 p.m. June 8. St. John's. To Mr.

and Mrs. Jesse Dell. 910 North Prospect. a girl, 11:48 p.m. June 8.

St. John's. To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hoffman, 851 North Glenstone, a boy, 12:34 a.m.

June 9, St. John's. To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hollis, Route 1, Willard, a girl, 7:11 a.m.

June 9, St. John's. To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chainey, Willard, a boy, 7:32 a.m.

June 9. St. John's, DIVORCE CASES Granted BIRTHS Adeline Booher against Fred F. Booher: divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of five minor children and $60 week child support. Arlyce Lankford against Robert Lankford: divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of minor daughter and $60 a month child support; defendant awarded custody of two minor sons.

Wilda Jean Essary against Layman Leon Essary; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of six minor children and $240 a month child support. Gwynda Mae Hampton against Michael Ray Hampton; divorce granted to plaintiff and former name, Phelps, restored. Nancy C. Curbow against Raymond L. Curbow: divorce granted to plaintiff awarded custody of six minor children and $270 month child support.

Pamela Susan Stahl against James Joseph Stahl: divorce granted to plaintiff and maiden name, Holcomb, restored. Velma Ann Holladay against Stephen Boyd Holladay; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of minor child and $60 a month child support. Zelma Nadean Knighton against Robert Wesley Knighton; divorce granted to plaintiff and former name, Grayson, restored. Ernestine Crisler against Jessie James Crister: divorce granted to plaintiff and former name, Pratt, restored. Jeanette D.

Barnett against John Caroll Barnett; divorce granted to plaintiff. MORE MOREKathryn M. Howard against Donald E. Howard; divorce granted to plaintiff and former name, Erwin, restored. Viola Kathaleen (Kitty) White against Darrel W.

White; divorce granted to plaintJff and awarded custody of four minor children, $30 a week child support month alimony. Louis E. Kopecky against Necla Kopecky; dovorce granted to plaintiff; defendant's former name, Williama, restored. Enoch Maggard against Gladys Maggard; divorce granted to plaintiff; defendant awarded custody of three minor children. Gerry Lee Deck against Frances Dean Deck; divorce granted to defendant on cross-bill and awarded custody of minor child, $110 a month child support and $600 alimony-iu-gross.

Mitzi Colleen Johnson against Edwin Gene Johnson; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of three minor children, $225 A month child support. $50 a month alimony; and $500 Jesse A. Hill against Peggy L. Hill; didivorce granted to plaintiff. Eugenia C.

Chamberlain against John B. Chamberlain; divorce granted to plaintiff and former name, Erwin, restored. James Buckley Kolb against Peggy Gale Kolb; divorce granted to plaintiff; former name, Cooper, restored to defendant. Roy Robinson against Maxine Robinson; divorce granted to defendant on cross-bill. Neta M.

Oakes against William G. Oakes; divorce granted to plaintiff and former name, Parramore, restored, Joe H. Nelson against Sharon R. Nelson; divorce grAnted to plaintiff. Diana Lynn Lewis against Jack Darrell Lewis, divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of minor child and $50 a month child support.

Danny Williams against Mary Lynette Williams; divorce granted to plaintiff; former name, Davis, restored to defendant. Doris A. Welker against Charles C. Welker: divorce granted to plaintiff. Billy Gene Miller against Connie S.

Miller; divorce granted to plaintiff: defendant's former name, Heckendorn, restored. Patsy Kay Perryman against Frank Perryman, divorce granted to plaintiff and maiden name, Hayden, restored. Virginia Ellen Johnson against Neil Roger Johnson; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of two minor children. Martha Carlene Dusett against Richard Franklin Dusett; divorce granted to plaintiff and former name, Adamson, restored. Lillian V.

Carter against Jimmy L. Carter; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of two minor children and $30 a week child support. Dane Edward Huxley against Muriel L. Huxley: -bill divorce granted to defendant on child and $150 a month child support. and awarded custody of minor Rita F.

Starnes against Michael J. Starnes; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of minor child and $20 a week child support. Norma Lee Young against Doyie David Young; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of minor child and $50 a month child support. Diana L. Pope against Loren W.

Pope: divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of minor child and $70 a month child support. Norma L. Drake against Jerald B. Drake: divorce granted to plain Aff and awarded custody of minor child and $50 a month child support. Gale Z.

Walker against Burman Herschel Walker, divorce granted to plaintiff and former name, Wright, restored. CHiton Leon Dixon against Ruth Nadine Dixon: divorce granted to plaintiff. Jennifer Carol Wheeler against William Kenneth Wheeler; divorce granted to plaintiff and and $100 awarded custody of minor a month child support. Robert Olin Jackson against Lois Fay Jackson; divorce granted to plaintiff: defendant awarded custody of minor child and $50 a month child support. Tony Dale Walters against Annabelle Faucher Walters; divorce granted to plaintiff.

Athel Bernice Towry against Ralph Curtis Towry; divorce granted to plaintiff and awarded custody of three minor children and $100 a month child support. more Magistrate Court Criminal Cases Earl Leon- Liles, Route 3, fined 437, and Fred Harter, Billings, fined $22, for public drunkenness. Daniel Wayne Goosen and Peter Matthew Greene, 1020 Enst Madison, fined $56 each for Fined possession for of in oxicants by minors, littering were Orville O. Griffin. Route 2, Ozark, $37; and Andrew G.

Hughes, Route 4, $17. $17 each for grabbing out of season were Don D. Prine, 1105 North Broadway: Donald Route R. Barnes, John Route and Erwin Tut. er, 1.

Lloyd, Ellington, fined $17 for possession for wildlife out of season. Fined for fishing without permit were Ronald Wayne Farmer. Wichita, $20: and fined $17 each were Donna Jean Smith, Route 8: Ronald Green, Route Stephen A. Hanegan, 1454 South Jefferson; Ernest Carr, 417 South Jefferson: and Paul E. Perkins, Fort Leonard Wood.

POLICE CALLS that Larry four boys 2217 took North Park, his reported from wife's purse and some cigarettes from their car while they were at Lake Springfield; 10:45 p.m. Sunday. Linda Roy, 3119 West Dorber, reported theft of tape player and about 15 tapes from their car parked in their driveway; a neighbor, James R. Strnit, 3337 Dorber, reported theft of tools from his truck; 4:11 p.m. Sunday.

Ray Page, Wichita, reported that he's vacationing here and that thieves broke into his car at Lake Springfield and took clothing and other Items valued at $3721 7:00 p.m. Sunday, Roy Buckmaster, operator of service staton at 2120 West Chestnut, reported burgary and theft of cigarettes and change from cash register: 7:12 a.m. Monday. Officer Ralph Laughlin and Officer D. Sandgren discovered burgiary at Save-MorMarket, 724 South Scenio; Alvin Hansen, owner, reported theft of $32.85 in change and small bills from cash register, and theft of 10 money orders, numbers 32 6093320 to 32 60932404 12:45 a.m.

Monday, Two young men, ages 18 and 20, booked for inveatigation of displaying deadly and dango bu a weapons after police Investigated report of fight at 3509 West olat 10 p.m. Sunday, Police investigated an ineident in the 1900 block of Kearney after a 20-year-old man alleged ho shot a black snake with a ,22 caliber rifle. He was warned to not discharge a gun in the city anymore, A Yellow Cab Co, driver was cited en the complaint of Improper right turn. Public Square and Noonville, 4:20 p.m. Monday.

Upon investigation of the incident. a police officer reported that the driver was relictant to produce his operators license when the officer informed that he would be charged with disobeying an officer. The 49. year old driver then said that the officer would Lind himself picking himselt up off the strent. Upon showing the officer his cense, the officer said 10 go on and take care of his customer, and that the aituation Deaths was not over.

The taxi driver was later contacted at the police headquarters and issued an Improper right turn summons. George Winter, 74, general delivery, cited on the complaint of drunk in view of the public. 8:05 p.m. Monday. George W.

Tremain. 53, general delivery, cited on the complaint of drunk in a public pisce, 6:29 p.m. Monday. Harold Ray Morgan, 42, of 2022 North Benton, cited on complaint of careless and imprudent driving after his driving was observed at Glenstone and Sunshine; 3:25 a.m. Tuesday.

Officers D. Sandgren and 7. Brooks dis covered window broken out at Mackey's Discount Clothing Center, 2948 Jack West Mackey, Chest nut Expressway; the owner, of 2937 West Water, could not be immediately contacted to determine what, if anything, was taken; several articles of clothing had been stacked up as if to be taken but the burglars were apparently frightened away; 2 a.m, Tuesday. A 24-year-old Ozark man was arrested for investigation of car theft by Officer Marvin Woods after he was observed in the 2200 block North Gienstone: the arrest was at the request of Christian County Sheriff Buff Lamb: two juventles in the man's car were turned over to juvenile officers for investigation of car theft: 1:20 a.m. Tuesday.

A 31-year-old Springfield man was booked for investigation of burglary and larceny after he was located at Kansas and Kearney: 11:20 p.m. Monday, Donald Joe Fischer, 26, of 2321 North Campbell, East and Loren, Glen cited Douglas on complaint 17, of careless and imprudent driving after block their driving was observed in the 2300 Sunshine; 9:25 p.m. Monday, Cited on complaints of careless and imprudent driving after being observed at Boonville and Olive were Pamela Susan Holcomb, 17, of 2628 East Crestview, William Henry Griner, 20, Republic: 10:10 p.m. Monday. Garry L.

Russell, 25, South Forest, cited on complaint of careless and dent driving after his driving was observed at Boonville and Public Square: 10:05 p.m. Monday. Wilfred E. Stancliff, 49, of 2157 North Robberson, driver for Yellow Cab Company, cited on complaint of improper turn after his driving was observed at Boonville Public Square by Officers R. D.

Wright and J. P. Johnson: Officer Wright said he informed Stancliff, when he appeared reluctant to show his license, that he could cite him on a complaint of disobeying an find officer myself and that picking Stancliff myself said "that I off would up street." Monday p.m. Mrs. Maxilee Roberts, of 2141 South Glendale, told police someone severely beat her husband and he was taken to St.

John's Hospital for treatment; Roberts said he was beaten at Lake Springfield by several unknown persons after he and the persons had left a tavern in Galloway to go to the lake to fish; 5:35 a.m. Tuesday. Phil R. Moran, 21, of 740 South Fremont, told police he discovered telephone receivers and had Madison been and cut off and telephones at Lombard; Kings Kings check of the area revealed receivers had also been cut off of phones at Grand National and on Madison east of Kings; 12:55 a.m. Tuesday.

Ray Faucett, manager of Seven Gables Service Station, reported someone took two quarters of beef from a truck parked at the station; the beef had been stolen from a truck owned by Farmland Industries, Gar-den City. the driver. Bob Lutz, of 227. South Glenn, said the quarters weighed about 135 pounds each and were valued at $150 total; 11:44 p.m. Monday.

CITY UTILITIES NEW CUSTOMERS Mary, Adams, 422 West Norton. Henry M. Botts, 2444 North Delaware. Evelyn Bryant, 625 West Lynn, Gary R. Butts, 1932 Marsa Drive.

William M. Cantrell, 862 West Tracy. David M. Carmody, 2010 East Page, David L. Colley, 2072 East Bennett.

James Gordon Day, 660 South Jefferson. Lester Fennerman, 1141 South Homewood. Fredrick C. Franz, 1230 East McDaniel. Kristen Hansen, 534 East Grand.

Terry Kleier, 3001 West Water. Bill Kaufman, 756 South Grant. Ronnie N. Mastin, 636 South Roanoke. Dwight E.

Mount, 717 West Madison. Gary Palmer, 1026 West Monroe Terrace. Joyce Plaster, North Summit Street Road. Jackie Prater, 1228 East Belmont. Steven Russell, 422 North Patterson.

Lloyd C. Sloan, 2234 North Robberson. Geneva Smith, East Loren. John M. Taylor, 26311 East Cherry.

Mark A. Batson, 1926 South Grant, Danny Beasley, 877 South Laurel. Gene Boyd, Galloway. Ronald L. Bowers, 1116 West College.

Charles E. Cale, 813 W. Poplar. Kimberly Garrett, 911 South Jefferson, Lori A. Hayes, 3052 West Pacific.

Robert Hicker, 1507 West Webster. Larry Locke, 2302 North Hillerest. Ed Meliers, 2049 South Florence. Robert Lee Muse, 2639 West Elm. Dennis Sumner, 507 South Scenic.

NEW RESIDENTS Phil L. Baker, 1537 Ingram Mill Road from Salem. James Beasley, 2255 North Holt from Des Moines, Iowa. Walter R. Bell, 1019 East Edgewood from Shawnee.

Kan. William D. Branscomb, 2923 North Mis. souri from Los Angeles, Calif. John R.

Bunting, 2444 North Delaware from Berkeley. Paul R. Carter, 433 East Morningside from Ironston, Ohio. Ray D. Coats, Highway and South Fremont from Bucyrus, Selford Corbin, 2142 North Missouri from Ash Grove.

from Kansas City. Robert H. Dustman, 307 Cherryvale Bob Ferguson, 3942 Parkerest from Ft, Smith, Ark. Jack Franz, 2719 East Atlantic from Fordland. Dyann Garrett, 1120 East Cherokee from Pleasant Hope, William T.

Hanna, 836 South Roanoke from Clark AFB, Philippine Islands. Judy Hodges, 1215 North Prospect from Fair Grove. D. R. Holdway, North Highway 65 from Elkland.

Jennifer Jones, 2072 East Bennett from Nixa. Oliver A. Kissir, 2345 North East Avenue from St. Louis. Boyce Liles, North Highway 13 from Kansas City.

Robert L. Maltby, 1910 East Page from Vinita, Okla. Warren Martyr, 2242 North Nias from Kansas City. Dallas R. Pendergrass, 651 South Park from Mt.

Vernon. Ralph Pleimann, 1166 East Rosebrier from St. Louis. Rose Mary Sheffler, 2218 North Lewis from St. Joseph.

Elizabeth E. Sonnakolb, 2506 West Madison from Grafton, Wis. Ronald L. Spencer, 2072 East Bennett from Fayetteville, Ark, Milford Teague, Highway from Brookline. Gary Ten Eyek, 3806 South Fairview from Kansas City.

Clyde R. Van Wrinkle, 1440 East 24th Street from Mountain View. Leland J. Volker, 1933 South Grant from Columbia. Bev Weinrich, 1719 East Walnut from Rosebud.

Harry E. White, 2216 Aline from St. Louis. Joe Ballard, 1536 East Glenwood frora Bonner Springs, Kan, James E. Brown, 1017 North Washington from Weston.

Donald E. Culbertson, 3515 South Carringe from Kansas City, Craig T. Duncan, 1128 East Walnut from Independence. Wm. Gidley, 5882 Woodeliff.

Road from Elgin, Ill. Warren Houchin, 2072 East Bennett from Lexington, Ky. Eugene Hopper, 3653 South Ferguson from Reeds Spring. John C. Kerr, 1333 South Fort from Vian, Okla, James: Kottmeier, 941.

Cherry from St. Louis. A. L. Little, 506 Hovey from Nixa.

Ana McMinnville, 2072 East Bennett from Wichita, Kan. James Mugford, 1932 South Grant from Columbia. W. J. Neill.

1257 East Cherry from La Wit. John C. Nagent, 2055 Cherry from Dayton, Ohio, Everett Lee Peak, 2100 North Robberson from Kansas City. Rev. Donald Powell, 1840 South Weller from Kimmawick.

Vickie Schwartz, 1362 East Calhoun from Van Couver, Wash. Thomas M. Webb, 1405 Went Normal from Orlando. Fla. Luther Withers, 3146 South Franklin from Dixon.

Fred L. Woefgang, 2450 South Holland from San Pablo, Calif, CHANGE IN LOCATION Howard Angus, 1874 North Missouri from 2234 North Robberson. ferry Ashcraft. 1528 North Waverly from 2052 South Florence, Elmer Bagwell. 2020 North Roosevelt from 009 East Brower.

Holland Blevins, 1346 North Fulbright from 1511 North Kansas. Dale Clevenger, 3153 Horning from 2072 East Bennett. Everett 15. Cload, 801 South Pickwick from 012 West Grand. Orville Compton, 1115 North Kansas from Nich-1100 West Pacifie.

Ruth Cunningham. 2173. Clairborne from 1450 Cast Stanford. 812 East Walnut from 1120 Blast Walnut. Jack Bratcher, 2072 East Bennett from 940 South Link, Ronald.

Goodman, 1143 Highland from 1601 South Fairway. Tommy Haynes, South- Ferguson from 2022 West Page. Carlos Hildenbrand, 453 West Erie from 1125 South Dollison, James J. MeGioin, 1637 North Hobberson from 961 West Madison, Jackie Lee McKnight. 1342 East Gretas from 2444 North Delaware.

Jerry Pearson, South Fremont Rd. from 046 South New. Eldon Schnier, West Olive from 1923 CONNIE L. POWERS Connie L. Powers, 78, of Warsaw, died at 2:20 a.m.

at Cox Medical Center where he had been a patient for eight days. Mr. Powers, a retired brakeman for the St. Louis Terminal Railroad, is survived by his Elinor. Herman Lohmeyer will send the body to Union City, where Mr.

Powers was born, for services and burial. MRS. LOTTIE DAVIS CASSVILLE Mrs. Lottie Davis, 86, of Cassville, died at 5:50 a.m. Monday in Cardwell Memorial Hospital in Stella.

Mrs. Davis, a member of the First Christian Church of Cassville, had lived here for nine years. She moved to Cassville from Viola. She is survived by two sons, A. D.

Robbins, San Pedro, Maurice Robbins, Medford, and one brother, Walter Marenholtz, Seattle, Wash. Funeral arrangements will be announced by Williamson of Cassville. LONDON'S SUPERMICE LONDON (AP) Super mice, reportedly tougher than the superrats already identified on the Welsh border, have been noted in London. These mice, increasingly resistent to the poison Warfarin, invaded Westminster Palace and it took two years with a new poison to bring them under control. But public health officials have been beseiged by calls for help from hotels, food factories, hospitals and private homes more than at any time in 25 years.

Mice, which can nibble at 200 different -food sources in a night, breed faster than rats one pair producing up to 2,000 descendants in a year. The first labor union was about A.D. 1100-1200, when skilled workers formed craft guilds and set standards for merchandise, prices and wages. Their guilds contained apprentices, journeymen and masters, much the same as today. Village.

Clarita Scott, 943 West Poplar from 924 North Broadway. Ivla Darlene Tuter, 1317 North Ethyl from 1657 East Division. Judy Vaughan, 415 West Stanford from 417 West Stanford. R. W.

Whiteid, 5836 South Highway FF from 1989 Cherry Street Court. CIRCUIT COURT Civil Cases Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company against Don Kiser, Route 1. Brookline, damage suit asking $887.74. Joy and Melvin Bailey, Greene County residents, against Nolan Blansit, Ozark, damage suit asking $20,000 in connection with auto accident. Ruth A.

Burcham against James Eligene Burcham: decree of annulment granted to plaintiff and former name, Vollmar, restored. Building Permits City Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, remodeling, 3028 South Fremont, $10,000. R. J. Haswell Company, two five room houses, 2843 and 2853 North Kellett, $11,000 each: two five-room houses, North gers and 214 South Prince Lane, $8000 each.

Kipp Bilt Homes, six-room house, 1925 East Swallow, $15,000. K. L.M. Construction, six-room house, 3560 South Ferguson, $12,500. Loran Wells, addition, 1079 South Thelma, Pollard, $1250.

addition, 2023 West Division, $4200. Merle Brackley, remodeling, 2414 Bodeb, $306. Ronald R. Hedden, roofing, 1113 West Lynn, $500. Carpenters Local 978, remodeling, 642 Boonville, $500.

Mrs. Flo. A. Smith, repairs, 2526 State, $200. Bertha Miller, roofing, 730 West Walnut, $245.

Harry Wachle, siding, 1825 West Nichols, $497. Leigh Declerg, rooting, 1223 West Linwood, $225. George E. Goostree, roofing, 1647 South $2024 Lottie Brantigen, roofing, 1626 South Hillcrest, 5247. Robert Hammer, siding, 2123 North Golden, $497.

Lee Schweitzer, roofing, 2608 South Glendale, $497. Hugh Schlisler, roofing, 1452 North Clay, $145. AUTO ACCIDENTS Oscar Lee tendorf. 59, of Route 2, Bitlings, cited on the complaint of following too Ducan, closely 38, of after 2919 West Harrison, with Glenstone colliding Helen and Seminole, 8:10 a.m. Monday, Joe Edward Martin, 19, of 1800 West Calhoun, cited on the complaint of failure to yield right of way, after colliding Guy Jefferies, 67, 1430 West Thoman, Campbell and Tampa, 2:14 p.m.

Monday. Helen Nadine Noblet, 51, 1942 South Fremont, cited on complaint of improper back1 Stretaky, after 42, 130 striking East Edgewood, 1942 Jeanette South Fremont, 9:51 a.m. Monday, Betsy Jean Andrews, 17, 926 East Lindberg, cited on complaint of improper right turn, after colliding with William Edwin Plaster, 19, 1002 East Blaine, 1536 West DIvision, 1:41 p.m., Monday. Cars driven by Terry Edward White, 2724 East Portland, and Alburthur LeRoy ver, 41, Loveland, collided at Cherry and Glenstone, 8:05 a.m. Monday, no ticket Issued.

Cars driven by Larry Glen Wilson, Lee's Summit, and Dee Ann Edwards, 28, 518 West Silaby, collided at Robert Hail's parking lot, 2121 South Campbell, 2:15 p.m. Monday, no ticket issued, Albert Lee Shockley, 23, 2072 East Bennett, cited on complaint of following too closely in lane of traffic, after striking Ronaid Lee Harp, 17. Route and knocking Harp into Bert Edwin Turner, 47, of Route 10, 2305 North Glenstone, 2:49 p.m. Monday Cars driven by Lon Vester Teem. 74.

1146 East Loren, and Robert T. Kennedy, 21, 958 East Delmar, collided at Florence and Los ren, 4148 p.m. Monday, no ticket issued. Carol Ann Drumright, 39, 1907 East High, cited on complaint of faliure to yield right of way, after striking Danny Ward Buchanan. 25, 711.

North Ringers, Glenstone and High, 5 p.m. Monda' SHERIFE3 OFFICE Raymond Ray Davis, 27, Route 1, will. ard, Davis, a farmer and arrested his wife, Johnson Earlene Carroll were on warrants for defrauding an innkeeper and were released alter paying complela retitution and court costa; Monday. Jailer S. Harriman reported that a fo.

male jail inmate became loud and was told to be quiet: she kept calling the officers names, ignoring warnings, and then on her way to A solitary cell the women grabbed Harriman's shirt and tore all the buttons off; she also bit him and continued to fight until another Jailer helped Harriman sub. due the woman: 9:30 p.m. Monday. Deputies were called to Hood's Cafe, Greene County PP and Interatate 44, where one man walked in and hit another man on the head with a bottle: the man and a companion claimed that the first man had pulled a knife earlier: 12:00 a.m. Tuesday.

Walt Abbott, 1930 East Monroe, reported theft of lumber on Greene County A4 east of U.S. 65; 10 a.m. Monday. nearby resident reported that the Ash. et Creek bridge, near Walnut Grove had been 50.

badly damaged by a hit-and-run car said that the it vehicle was a traffie hazard: deputies tore two ponta out ground and tore off 7 toot two by four that had been nailed to the postet the posts were 4. feet long and about 7 inches in diameter: the bridge was passable, but county road crews were notined: 5155 a.m. Tuenday. MRS. UNA OLGA POWELL GREEN FOREST, Ark.

Una Olga Powell, 77, died Thursday at the Harrison NursHome in Harrison, Ark. Fu- Forest; 26 grandchildren 17 great grandchildren. services were Monday in Pickens Cemetery under the of Nelson with the Jamie Coleman officiating, Powell is survived by daughters, Mrs. Carmen of Woodlake, Mary K. Brannick of Mrs.

Frances Blanof Little Rock, Ark. and Barbara Ann Mote of seven sons, Vernon, Clinton, Richard, Joe, and John, all of Green Fortwo brothers, Arthur Coxof Green Forest and Carl of Hurst, two sisRheta Smith of Carrollton, and Prude Bishop of MRS. ROY TURMAN. MILLER Funeral services for Mrs. Ora Turman, 70, of Miller, will be at 2 p.m.

Wednesday in Morris-Leiman chapel here with the Rev. G. R. Washam officiating. be in Pleasant Grove Cemetery.

Mrs. Turman died at 6:40 p.m. Sunday, in Springfield Baptist Hospital, following a short illness. Survivors include her husbard, Roy; one daughter, Mrs. Jane Washam of Miller: two sons, Robert of Miller and J.B.

of Washington, D.C.; and one brother, Robert of Fresno, Calif. MARSHALL LEITH BOLIVAR Funeral services for Marshall Leith, 39, of Route 3, Walnut Grove, will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Baptist Church of Eudora. Burial will be in the Eudora Cemetery under the direction of Butler of Bolivar. Mr.

Leith died Sunday afternoon from a self-inflicted gunshot wound at the home of his parents on Route 3, Walnut Grove. MRS. CHARLES FROST CARTHAGE Mrs. Lola J. Frost, 65, of Carthage, died in McCune-Brooks Hospital here at 1:20 p.m.

Monday of injuries suffered May 27 in a car-truck crash near Vinita, Okla. Mrs. Frost was riding with a sister, Mrs. Violet Capps, 54, also of Carthage, when their car apparently attempted a U-turn across the center median of the Will Rogers Turnpike and was struck by a pickup truck driven by Horace Barnett, 61, Boorne, Tex. Survivors include her husband, Charles; a son, Robert Palmer, Kansas City, three other sisters and two grandchildren.

Knell is in charge of arrangements. LAWRENCE LEON LaMONTINE HOUSTON Funeral services for Lawrence Leon LaMontine, 50, of Route 1, Houston, will be at 2 p.m. Thursday in St. Mark's Catholic Church here. Burial will be in Allen Cemetery near Raymondville, under direction of Evans-Elliott of Houston.

A retired farmer, Mr. LaMontine died Monday in Texas County Memorial Hospital here after an apparent heart attack. A World War II Navy veteran, he had lived here about a year. Surviving are his wife, Betty; one daughter, Mrs. Bonnie Jo Cochran, Raymondville; four sisters, Mrs.

Leona Smalley, Pueblo, Mrs. Livona Strong and Mrs. Faye White, both of Ramona, Mrs. Kay Lindsey, Escondido, and two grandchildren. CLARENCE B.

ZOOK BUCYRUS Funeral services for. Clarence B. Zook, 79, of Bucyrus, will be Wednesday in the Evans- Elliott Chapel, Houston, with the Rev. Weld on Foreman officiating. Burial will be in Pine Lawn Cemetery.

A farmer, Mr. Zook died Monday in Texas County Memorial Hospital, Houston, where he had been a patient five days. Surviving are his wife, Grace; two sons, Norman of Bucyrus, Kenneth of Garden Plain, daughter, Mrs. Hester Hackenberg, Hesston, one brother, Harvey of Huntington, three sisters, Mrs. Sadie Dillman, Hesston, Mrs.

Ella Blosser, Newton, Mrs. Orpha Oliver, Wichita, seven grandchildren and 10 greatgrandchildren. ROBBIE LEE MAY EL DORADO SPRINGS Funeral services for Robbie Lee May, 3, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert May of Independence, were to be at 2 p.m.

today in the United Methodist Church here with the Rev. Willard Bright officiating. Burial was to be in El Dorado Springs City Cemetery, under the direction of IsbellCarothers. The child died Sunday morning Kansas City hospital following a two- year illness. Additional survivors include one sister, Camilla Sue of the home; maternal grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. Earl Stockstill of 1. Dorado Springs; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl May of Route 1, El Dorado Springs; maternal great- grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. Ira Hoffman of El Dorado Springs, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Queen of Hume. MRS.

MARY E. MORRISON SELIGMAN -Mrs. Mary E. Morrison, 82, died at 12:30 p.m. Sunday in her home near here following a lingering illness.

Mrs. Morrison had lived in Seligman since 1963, moving here from Roswell, N. M. She was a member of the Church of Christ. Mrs.

Morrison is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Mildred McDaniel, Seligman, Mrs. Margie Akers, Fresno, Mrs. Marie Houston, Denver, and Mrs. Mable Isbell, Slaton, three, sons, Charles Santa Carl Ruidoso, and Clint, Roswell, New Mexico; one brother, S.

0. Sheppard, Cabool; 28 grandchildren and 65 great children. The body will be transferred to Roswell by Williamson of Cassville for services at 2 p.m. Friday in the Ballard Chapel. Burial will be in South Park Cemetery in Roswell.

MRS. MARY ETHEL MANUEL RICHLAND-Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Ethel Manuel, 75, of Route 2, Richland, will be at Wednesday in the Mt. View Church of Christ with Rev. Charles Chapman officiating.

Burial will be in Mt. View Cemetery under direction of MossWilliams. Mrs. Manuel died at 6:50 p.m. Sunday in St.

Mary's Hospital, East St. Louis, after a long illness. Survivors are four sons, Oliver, Enid, Walter, Colorado Springs, James, Fort Worth, and Warren, Morrow, three daughters, Mrs. Olna (Peggy) Carroll, Richland, Mrs. Georgia Hensen, Cahokia, 111., and Mrs.

Lois Whitmore, Enid, a brother, Mart Lucas, Montreal; a sister, Mrs. Minnie Francis, La Habra, 14 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. LAWRENCE MERRITT CLEVER Services for Lawrence A. Merritt, 62, of Route 1, Clever, will be 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Mt.

Sinai Baptist Church near Nixa with the Rev. L. W. Van De Mark officiating. Burial will be in Frazier Cemetery, under direction of Harris of Nixa.

Mr. Merritt died about 4 p.m. Sunday at his home five miles southeast of here as the result of injuries suffered in a fall from a ladder. FRANCIS H. STOCKTON EXETER Funeral services for Francis Howard Stockton, 49, of Exeter, victim of a cartruck crash Saturday, were to be at 2 p.m.

today in the McQueen Chapel in Wheaton. Burial and military rites were to be in Maplewood Cemetery here. MISS VERA MAY JONES Graveside services for Miss Vera May Jones, 57, of Route 4, Springfield, will be at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday in Hazelwood. Cemetery with the Guy Lawyer officiating.

Arrangements are under direction of Herman Lohmeyer. A resident of Springfield most of her life, Miss Jones died at 7 p.m. Sunday in Cox Medical Center after a short illness. ROXIE W. ROLLINS FAIR GROVE Services for Roxie W.

Rollins, 78, of Route 2, will be at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Fair Grove Methodist Church with the Revs. Wayne Jones and Steve Campbell officiating. Burial will be in the Greenlawn Cemetery, under direction of Klingner. Mr.

Rollins died at 8:30 a.M. Sunday in Cox Medical Center, Springfield, after a short illness. Mr. Rollins was a retired farmer, and a member of the Fair Grove Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, Gertrude; one daughter, Mrs.

Ruth Hutchinson, Brookline; one sister, Delpha Garrett, Joplin; two stepsons, Charles Gibson, Route 5, Springfield, aid Gene Gibson, 2825 West Olive; nine grandchildren, and five greatgrandchildren. Additional survivors are two sisters, Mrs. Mary Beutel and Mrs. Ida Gibbs, both of Inglewood, Calif. MRS.

PERCY BRIDGES OZARK Mrs. May Bridges, 72, of Ozark, died at her home at 4:10 a.m. today. A lifelong resident of Christian County, Mrs. Bridges was a member of Prospect Baptist Church.

Surviving are her husband, Percy; two daughters, Mrs. Iola Melton and MRs. Ruby Lee Glover, both of Ozark; three sisters, Mrs. Bessie Adams, Ozark, Mrs. Della Brumley and Mrs.

Ona Haslip, both of Springfield; two grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Arrangements will be an. nounced by Harris of Ozark. 13 Last Days Fatality Traffic Since In Springfield In City This Year Same Time Last Year 10 In County This Year 11 Same Time Last Year 18 In State This Year .529 Same Time Last Year ..505 In City Monday: Accidents 10 Injured 2 Mrs. ing neral the direction Rev.

Mrs. four Barrows Mrs. mon, chot Mrs. sa, Eugene, D.K. est; sey Coxsey ters, Green and Hospital Aid Plan Approved by Senate WASHINGTON (AP) The Senate has passed a $2,76 billion compromise bill that would ex4 tend the Hill- Burton hospital aid program for three more years.

It was passed Monday by voice vote and sent to the House. It would authorize $1.26 billion for construction and modernization of hospitals, much more than President Nixon had asked. It also contains, $1.5 billion in guaranteed Nixon had requested and some government interest subsidies which he had not requested. A House-Senate conference had deleted a Senate-approved formula to help industrial states, but inserted a compromise measure directing a two-year study of possible aid formula changes. The population of Portland, is about 375,000.

Springfield, Greene County, Missouri. for the purpose of satisfying said trust. FRED A. MOON Trustee Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE -THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1970 PLACE JEFFERSON CITY, MISSOURI 14TH FLOOR JEFFERSON STATE OFFICE BUILDING TIME- STARTING 1:30 PM PURPOSE TO discuss the promulgation of regulations affecting motor fuel tax collection and petroleum inspection, to adopt safety require ments applicable to retail locations, to establish minimun standards and of tolerance for motor fuel pump. me.

more specifically including regulations: 1. (a) To establish administrative policy for credits for motor fuel tax for fuel consumed in other states. (b) Fixing the conditions for eligibility of other states for reciprocal written agreements involving motor fuel tax. (c) Prescribing reporting forms necessary under reciprocal agreements involving motor fuel tax with fixed fuel consumption standards. 2.

To promulgate reporting forms by lessor and lessee of interstate or intrastate operations of commercial vehicles, establishing responsibility for bonds, licenses, and permits. 3. Establish standards of tolerance allowed when testing motor fuel pump meand prescribing corrective time limitations. 4. To discuss requirements and procedures for reporting and payment of tax Hability by vehicles.

occasional "trip" operators of mo5. Other regulations essential to the collection of motor fuel taxes. MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Richard R. Nacy, Jr. General Counsel Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE For default in the payment of principal and interest now past due on a certain promissory note dated March 29th 1968 and secured by a deed of trust of the same date, signed by John E.

Hosmer and Melba D. Hosmer recorded in 1487 at page 99, Recorder of Deeds Office, Greene County, Missouri, at the request of the legal holder, will on the 27th day of June, 1970, between the hours of 9 o'clock A.M. and 5 o'clock P.M. at the South Front door of the State Circuit Court House in the City of Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder, for cash, the property in said deed of trust described: Tract No. 1.

The North 64 feet of Lot 2, W. L. HERRINGTON'S ADDITION to the City of Springfield, Greene Cotinty, Missouri, except the East 100 feet thereof. Tract No. 2.

The North 20 feet of the West 193 feet of Lot 1 and the South 5 feet of the West 193 feet of Lot 2, in W. L. HERRINGTON'S ADDITION to the City of Springfield, Greene County, Missouri. -Tract Ne. 3.

Beginning 45 feet South of the Northeast corner of Lot 2 in W. L. HERRINGTON'S ADDITION to the City of Springfield, Missouri. thence West 100 feet: thence South 44 feet; thence East 100 feet: thence North to the beginning being part of Lots 1 and 2 in W. L.

HERRINGTON'S ADDITION to the City of NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Separate sealed bids for ADDITION TO NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY, SPRINGFIELD, Missouri 2. ADDITION TO NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY, MARSHALL, MISSOURI will be received at the office of the Director Division of Planning and Construction, State of Missouri, Room 102, State Capitol Building, P.M. Jefferson City, Missouri, until C.D.T.. June 18, 1970 and then publicly bank opened draft and read aloud. bond A certified or executed by the bidder the and an approved Surety Comthe bid in shall submitted with each Propany amount of five (5) percent of posal.

Plans and specifications can be secured from Archer and Daw, Architects, Engineers and Planners, 912 Baltimore, KanCity, Missouri, upon deposit of $15.00 per each set, in the form of a certified or cashier's and check payable Construction, to the State Division of Mis- of souri. Bidders must agree to comply with Prevailing Wage Rate Provisions and other Statutory specifications. regulations as referred to in the John D. Paulus, Director Division of Planning and Construction NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ed bids for MISSOURI MEAT INSPECTION LABORATORY, 1922 BROADWAY, SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI will be received at tan carice of the Director Division of Plant and Construction, State of Missous. Room 102, State Capitol Bullding, Jefferson City, Missouri, until 1:30 P.M..

C.D.T., June 18, 1970 and then publicly opened and read aloud. A certified check. bank draft or a bid bond by the bidder and an approved Surety Company in the amount of five (5) percent the bid shall be submitted with each Proposal. Plans and specifications can be secured from Warren and Goodin, Architects and Engineers, 3184 East Sunshine, Springfield, Missouri, upon deposit of $25.00 per set. in the form of a certified or cashier's check payable to the Division of Planning and Construction, State of Missouri.

Bidders must agree to comply with Prevailing Ware Rate Provisions and other regulations as referred to in the I specifications. John D. Pautus, Director Division of Planning and Construction Call, Write or Come to REINHOLDT GARDNER Members New York Stock Exchange For Stock Market Information 326 St. Louis St. Phone 862-4363 How to Invest for Growth or Income CALL.

OR Rowland Co. MEMBER NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE 540 St. Louis Street, Springfield, Missouri 65806 TO YATEE 8 CO, We're Open Tuesday and Thursday Nights 7-9 p.m. for your convenience FREE PARKING Call 417-862-5551.

Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)
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