The Bee from Danville, Virginia (2024)

Saturday, Dec. 24, 1960 Rites Set Today For Mr. Whitlow REIDSVILLE, C. -Last services for Shadrack Whitlow were to be conducted today from Fairview Baptist Church by the Rev. Harvey Y.

Criminger, the pastor, and the Rev. J. G. Shore. Burial was to follow in the church cemetery.

Mr. Whitlow died yesterday! in Annie Penn Memorial Hospital after suffering a decline in health over the past year. was attributed to a heart attack. A Ringgold, native, he lived in the Reidsville area for years where he farmed and, later. worked for the Hopkins Supply Co.

He was a member of the Fairview Baptist Church. He is survived his wife, the former Helen Griffin; two sons, William D. Whitlow, of Reidsville, and Amos Whitlow. of Reidsville Rt. one daughter, Mrs.

Carl E. Hall, of Reidsville Rt. two brothers. George and Archie Whitlow, of Ringgold, four, sisters, Mrs. Jack Clardy, Vernon Hill.

Va: Mrs. C. C. Inman, of Martinsville, Mrs. Floyd Wilson and Mrs.

Emmet Neal, both of Ringgold; and four grandchildren. Robinson Services Held Yesterday Last rites for Raymond S. Robinson were held yesterday afternoon from the Wrenn-Yeatts Chapel by Elder Joe Herndon. Burial followed in Highland Burial Park. Pallbearers were Willie Wallace, Doug Adams, W.

D. Dyer, David Gordon, J. Bennett Pruitt, Raymond Shelton, E. W. Arthur, B.

Gardner, W. H. Turkett and J. W. Solomon.

BANQUET SET An annual banquet for the Pittsylvania County 4-H All-Stars and Honor Club members will be held Dec. 30 at the Charcoal House at 6:30 p.m. New Honor Club members and potential AllStars will be recognized for their work in the 4-H Club. having won the grand prize in and the first place section award last year. Other winners of the four tions were: southeast, Mrs.

Mar-; jorie Combs, 2nd place; southwest- Avery Watkins, 165 Hubbard first; Mrs. W. G. Key, Woodland Park, second; northeast- a Halbrook, N.W. Market first; Howard Moricle, 620 N.W.

Market second: northwest-Mrs. George McCall, 512 Wentworth first, and Mrs. Marion Jeffries, 306 Sprinkle second. Winter salad: halve and seed grapes and mix with broken pecans or walnuts. Serve on crisp greens with mayonnaise.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS We've but one wish for you this Christmas -that it be better than any you've ever had before. Marions SMARTWEAR-510 MAIN Bee: Danville, Reidsville News REIDSVILLE, N. Rev. Charles E. Bray will deliver a special Christmas morning message at the Community Baptist Church tomorrow.

The Brays arrived in Reidsville Wednesday from Springfield, to spend the holidays with Mrs. Bray's parents. Mr. and Mrs. M.

S. Haythe of South Main St. Bray is a 1947 graduate of Reidsville High School and a graduate of Bob Jones University in Greenville, S.C. He is completing work toward a master's degree- history at University 01 Missouri. pastoral Rev.

Bray, at recently the enter- Bible Baptist Church in Springfield. CAR RECOVERED A 1951 Ford, owned by Ruby Ann Jones, Chatham, Rt. 1, was reported stolen Thursday night at approximately 7 o'clock from in front of Kimble's Cafe on West Market Street here. The car was reported stolen by Walter Wimbash. also of Chatham, Rt.

1. and 117 Willow Reidsville. When he reported the theft. Wimbash stated that Lee Graves, 35-year-old Negro lived near Yanceyville was a suspect. The car was recovered last night at approximately 10:30 on, Chestnut St.

by Police Officer Cecil H. Moore. Graves was arrested and booked for larceny of an automobile. He was released from Reidsville city jail under $300 bond pending trial Dec. 29 in Reidsville Recorder's Court.

ART FESTIVAL Mrs. H. T. Harrison, Draper, coordnator of the 1961 Rockingham Arts Festival announces that rules for the festival and categories in which awards will be made have been published and being released throughout the county at the library branches and at the headquarters library in Leaksville. Dates for the festival are Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

May 5-7 at Franklin Street School in Reidsville. J. Banner Shelton, Madison, is president of the board of trustees of the Festival Association. Other officers are Charles R. Oliver Reidsville.

Mrs. James Williams Spray. secretary: R. Weinstein, Reidsville, treasurer: Mrs. G.

Miles, Leaksville, and Russell Spear, Madison, trustees. LIGHTING WINNERS Mr. and Mrs. M. V.

Moricle 1011 Walnut Street, are grand prize winners of the Jaycees annual, is Christmas Lighting consecutive Conyear that the Moricles have been winners in the lighting contest, Best Otishes for a Hurry Holiday Season Miss Gardner Paid Debutante Courtesy Three generations of one family make up the Conrad receiving line at open house given yesterday Wimbish, afternoon by Mrs. Edward Giles Gardner, (at home the right) for her debutante daughter, Miss Lois Holiday Dance Held By L. D. Sub-Debs Adding to the winter social events was the annual Christmas Debs dance given by the L. Subthe night of December 19, at the Boots Dameron and his orchestra, provided music.

and Christmas decorations added festivity to the affair. Members and their attending were: Miss Dorothy Barker and Dennis Porter, Miss Linda Baugh and Clark Reynolds, Linda Beale and Jerry Mayhew, Miss Nancy Brown and Eddie Royster, Miss Jayne Chattin and Berk Stephens, Miss Judy Cark and Donald Scearce, Miss Judy Harris and David Coleman, Miss Mary Lee Slaughter and Darrell Myrick, Also, Miss Sandra Henderson and Don Scism, Miss Dianne Herndon and Jerry Payne, Miss Brenda Lowe and Jimmy Watling; ton, Miss Audrey Mitchell and Jerry Pickeral, Miss Brenda Murphy and Bernard Garrett, Miss Jayne Patterson and Howard Broome, Miss Leota Reid and Roy Stephens, Miss Judy Walsh and Phil Williams, Miss Janice Douglas and Benjamin Dyer, Miss Elizabeth Mahan and Buddy Crawley Miss Sandra, Toler and Eddie Parrish. Mrs. Joel Herndon and Mr. and Mrs.

Stanley Knick. Progressive Supper Marks Activity For Clerks, Secret Pals Among the pre-Christmas affairs in Danville was a progressive supper held the night of December 20, by the clerks and Secret Pal Club of No. Two division of Dan River Mills. Inc. Appetizers were served in the home of Miss Betty Lee Noel on Grove Street, after which the group went to the home of Miss Anne Akins on Alpine Drive for consomme.

The salad course in the home of Miss Lori raine Edward on North Main Street and the main course in the home of Mrs. Betty. Powell on Dalton Circle. After group pinging of Christmas carols, dessert was served by Mrs. Jean Powell in her home on Arnett Boulevard.

Rounding the events was the exchange of gifts and the drawing of names for the coming year in the home of Mrs. Jewel Yeatts on Edgewood Drive. Other members attending were Mrs. Mary Mann and Mrs. Agues I 8 Company Speer Sherwood Forest Winners Named Winners of the Christmas doorway decoration contest in Sherwood Forest were announced today by the sponsors, the Sherwood Forest Woman's Club.

First place went to W. F. West, 255 Brightwell followed by Leonard W. Lea, 118 Mulberry and W. Leslie Bell, 320 Arnett Blvd.

Honorable mention was given Charles Barbour, 206 Astor and Perry M. Perkins, 243 Brightwell Crt. Births Announced nounce the birth of a son, Jeffrey Mr. and Mrs. Fred Joseph Burchett of Edgewood Drive an- a Wayne, December 16, in Memorial Hospital, Mr.

and Mrs. Leonard Nichols John Zinna of Locust Lane announce the birth of a daughter, Sue Arden, December 16, in Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lester Rigney of Parkland Drive announce the birth of a son, Charles Edward, December 16, in Memorial Hospital, Mr.

and Mrs. Dennis Jerome Hendley of Smith Road announce the birth of a daughter, Tammy Denise. December 17, in Memorial Hospital. The Rev. and Mrs.

James Clyde Shelton of Axton, Route Three, announce the birth of a son, Byron Andrew, December 18, in Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Lee Robertson of Ashlawn Drive announce the birth of a son, Danny Lee, December 18, in Memorial Hospital. Mr.

and Mrs. Homer Scott Thomasson of Parkland Drive announce the birth of a son. Miles McCauley, December 18, in Memorial Hospital. CHARGED WITH MURDER WINSTON-SALEM (AP) William H. Emory 28, of Clemmons, charged with murder in the shooting of Irvin M.

Allen, 29, wa bound over to the grand jury Friday after waiving preliminary hearing. Emory was ordered held without privilege of bond. Allen was killed and another man, J. M. Crews, 43, was woundat Allen's grocery store at Clemmons, shooting last Saturday.

out of Police an grew exchange of words about Emory's pistol marksmanship. Emory surrendered to police at Asheville Tuesday. Officers said Emory told them he does not remember the shooting. Bandit Wounded While Holding Woman As Shield JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) A bandit who attempted to use Mrs.

Harry Reinert as a shield found out that her husband is an accurate shot with a rifle. When the man grabbed Mrs. Reinert in the office of the Circle Motel north of Jacksonville Friday night, her husband picked a .22 rifle and ordered the to release her. The man hesitated; Reinert fired wounded the in the shoulder and back. Mrs.

Reinert wasn't hit. Reinerts told Trooper C. F. Brown of Florida Highway Patrol that the man first asked to be shown a room; then pointed a pistol at them and demanded their money. A customer approached at that point, the Reinerts said, and the man with the pistol ordered Mrs.

Reinert to wait on him but she told the customer that a holdup was in progress. That's when the man grabbed Mrs. Reinert and her husband picked up his rifle, they said. County Patrolman C. M.

Hopkins said the wounded man was identified as Ray Green, 22, of High Point, N.C. Trooper Brown said a bag of change taken earlier from the Linkins Motel and restaurant near the St. JohnsFlagler County line was found in Green' car. Green was charged with armed robbery and put under guard in a hospital. MRS.

WEEMS DIES ROANOKE, Va. (P)-Mrs. Margaret Henry Weems, 57, wife of Sam P. Weems, superintendent of the Blue Ridge Parkway, died Thursday at Baltimore, Md. Funeral services were set for 2 p.

m. today at St. John's Episcopal Church in Roanoke. Burial was to be private. Also surviving are two children, her mother and a sister.

Funeral Yesterday For J. B. Pruett Final services for John B. Pruett were conducted yesterday afternoon from Weal Presbyterian Church by the Rev. W.

R. Smith and the Rev. Glenn Hill. Interment followed in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were Benny G.

Giles, Ras D. Shelton, Otha Gibson, Lloyd Mitchell, Lloyd BradOtis Shelton, Preston Moses and Herman Motley. A Gardner (center). At left is Mrs. Hunt grandmother of the honoree, at whose affair was held.

Nancy Carol Hinton, Rufus J. Kennedy, Wed In Ceremony Mr. and Mrs. J. Clyde Hinton of Danville announce the marriage of their daughter, Nancy Carol, to Rufus Jackson nedy, son of Mrs.

Mary B. Kennedy of Danville, and the late Joe Edward Kennedy. The double ring ceremony was performed Wednesday, December 21, at 10 a. in Chester, S. by Probate Judge Hattie Y.

Harden. The couple will make their home in Danville. Personals Mr. and Mrs. William D.

Walters and children of Asheville, N.C., are arriving Monday to spend the remainder of the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guerrant, on Main Street. Mr. and Mrs.

Herbert Yeaman of Pittsburgh, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hutcherson on.

Locust Lane and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Yeaman of the Ferry Road.

Miss Marian Heard of Robertson Avenue is spending the holidays with her brother, John David Heard, and family in Montgomery, Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. W. C.

Heard of Robertson Avenue will have as their guests for the holidays Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heard and small daughter of Martinsville, and Major Randolph C. Heard and family of Blacksburg. Mr.

and Mrs. William C. Heard and sons of Fredericksburg will arrive next week for a visit. Mr. and Mrs.

Don C. Doss and son, Don C. Doss of Strasburg, are visiting Mr. Doss' parents, Mr. and Mrs.

D. C. Doss, 152 Winthrop Drive. Miss Doris Anne Cox of Madison College, Harrisonburg, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

S. P. Cox, in Westover Hills. Mr. and Mrs.

Tommy McKee daughters, Donna, Frances, and Sherry of Memphis, are spending the holidays with Mrs. McKee's mother, Mrs. G. A. Shelton on Westover Drive.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rucker Snead and small son, Lawrence Rucker Snead III, of Lynchburg, are arriving today to be guests of Mrs. Snead's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

L. B. Motley on the Halifax Road for the holidays. Miss Grace Thompson and her brother, Charlie Thompson of Kenbridge are the holiday guests of their aunt, Mrs. Katherine T.

Moore and Miss Nancy Moore on Randolph Street. The Rev. and Mrs. Julian S. Orrell and children, Nancy Dean, Tommy, and Frances Allen of Berryville will arrive Monday to visit the former's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Oscar Orrell of the Chatham Road. Mr. and Mrs. S.

H. Bassett are spending the holidays in St. Petersburg, Fla. Samuel T. Patterson U.

S. Army, of Fort Carson, Colorado, is spending a Christmas leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T.

Patterson on Sutherlin Avenue. Miss Patricia Boyer arrived Friday from Cornell University to spend the holidays with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. D. W.

Boyer, in Pinetag. Other guests of the Boyers are her mother, Mrs. John Joseph Palmer, and Miss Patricia Palmer of Washlington, D.C. Truck Damaged, Milk Saved In Henry Accident ed some refrigerat000 pounds or 750 gallons, overturned near here yesterday, causing some $4,000 damage to the truck. The milk, all of which was saved, was picked up by another truck and delivered to its destination.

Icy road conditions were blamed for the 8:45 a.m. accident. The driver, Bud Tuttle of Winston-Salem, was unhurt in the mishap which occurred in the Penhook community of Henry County. 3-SPEED Record Player $19.95 REGISTER FOR $500.00 IN FREE PRIZES! Open 'til 9 P. M.

FURNITURE CO. Open House Held At Wimbish Home For Lois Gardner Mrs. Edward Giles Gardner honored her debutante daughter, Miss Lois Conrad Gardner, with open house yesterday afternoon lat the Wimbish home on West Main Street. Mrs. 0.

T. Bonner greeted the guests at the door, and Miss Fan Wimbish was in the reception room. Mrs. Gardner, Miss Gardner, and her grandmother, Mrs. Hunt Wimbish, received in the living room.

Guests were invited into the dining room by Miss Evelyn Wimbish. The table was presided over by Mrs. A. Rucker Parker at the punch bowl, and Mrs. William E.

Sandidge of Amherst, the former Miss Harriet Carter of Danville, poured coffee. Assisting were Mrs. T. Claiborne Creasy, godmother of the honoree, and Mrs. Walter Herbert Dixon.

The dining room was decorated throughout with silver, green, and green tapers. The table was laid with an imported, embroidered linen and lace cloth, and centered with a silver can(delabrum enhanced by silver and green grapes and other seasonal ornaments. Candlelight predominated ithroughout the house, with the mantels in both living rooms banked with magnolia and grape arrangements. guests, including the debutantes, called from 4 to 6 o'clock. Debutante Courtesy Shown Miss Havens At Informal Coffee Mrs.

J. Sam Arnett and Miss Bett Arnett entertained: at an informal coffee, this morning at 11 o'clock in their home on Mountain View Avenue in compliment to Miss Evelyn Havens, debutante of the season. The affair was held in the recreation room, where Christmas decorations in gold and green added a note of festivity. Mrs. Robert G.

Havens, mother of the honoree, poured coffee, and Mrs. Robert M. Gardiner assisted the hostesses in serving. Guests were the debutantes. Christmas To My Friends A Holiday Wish: That you may enjoy all the best of the season! MRS.

SAM W. BOAZE Special Representative SALISBURY MARBLE AND GRANITE INC. The Christmas season is and all the world is embraced by the magic of its beauty. Happiness and good will fill the hearts of and the spirit of peace is the hope of the world. May all the traditional joys of Christmas the good things of both spiritual and you in abundance today.

And may the New Year bring to you and yours health, 0 happiness and contentment. For Your Christmas Reading Pleasure Read the Article "No Room For Him' in. Sunday's Weekly convenient Alright parking BELK LEGGETT Danville's Shopping Center.

The Bee from Danville, Virginia (2024)


Where is the Danville Register and Bee? ›

700 Monument Street Danville, Virginia

Can you have chickens in the city of Danville VA? ›

The panel last week approved a new code subsection dealing specifically with urban agriculture. Planning Director Doug Plachinski says it allows for limited livestock, allowing people to have up to four chickens without needing a special use permit.

When did Danville VA become a city? ›

town, 1833; city, 1870. Pop. (2000) 48,411; Danville Metro Area, 110,156; (2010) 43,055; Danville Metro Area, 106,561. This article was most recently revised and updated by Amy Tikkanen.

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