The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

i i Studies State Plea For Tax On War Alcohol Frankfort, March 7 (AP)-A proposal by Gov. Simeon Willis for the Federal Government to agree to Kentucky's collecting its 5 cents a gallon tax on war alcohol has been taken under consideration by the Office of Price Administration. The whisky production tax of 5 cents gallon ran high as $4,006,987 89 during the 1941-42 fiscal year when distillers were turning out beverage alcohol, but the 1942 General Assembly authorized waiving it on alcohol Alcohol Holiday Added 28,281,238 Gallons Washington, March 7 (AP)-The alcohol holiday 28,281,238 gallons to the nation's stockpile of hard, liquor. Reporting today, the listed whisky producduring the month at 715 gallons, rum 161,715, gin 754 and brandy 1,288,054. During the similar August holiday from war output, distillers produced about 50,000,000 gallons of spirits for beverage purposes.

made for industries engaged in munitions and other war material. Figures on the amount of war time industrial alcohol now in Kentucky have not been made public. Would Give Ample Funds. In discussing pleas made to him last fall to summon the General State Road Traffic Study Is Launched Object Is to Aid Postwar Program Frankfort, March 7 (AP)The Highway Department has launched a traffic study to aid in determining routing and road construction standards of Kentucky's postwar highway program, Commissioner J. Stephen Watkins said today.

Watkins said location of new sections and relocation of roads would be determined in part from data obtained on the number and of vehicles and points of origin and destination of travel. He cited the already completed study in la the Louisville urban area and said the findings would be used to locate and design improved highway facilities in metropolitan Louisville. The survey report was published recently in "Traffic Analysis and Expressway Plan for the City of Louisville." The commissioner said a similar study was under way in metTopolitan Cincinnati, including parts of northern Kentucky, as a joint operation with the Ohio Highway Department. Information May Save Money. Field information obtained by stopping vehicles and questioning motorists would help prevent unnecessary expenditure of highway funds, the commissioner explained, as it would give the department a factual idea of the type of travel and its destination on any given road.

Watkins said public co-operation would be of "material assistance in creation of an improved State highway system." He reported origin-destination studies had been completed in Boyd, MaGoffin and Whitley Counties and would be expanded soon to other sections of the state. He Wants No Striplings! London, March 7 -Com. Oliver Locker-Lampson suggested in Commons today that, in view of the labor shortage, strip-tease dancers be restricted to women over 50. QUICK RELIEF FOR HEAD COLD MISERY When nostrils are clogged, nosefeelsraw. membranes swollen, reach for cooling Mentholatum.

Speedilyit (1) Helps thin out thick, stubborn mucus; (2) Soothes irritated membranes; (3) Helps reduce swollen passages; (4) Stimulates local blood supply. right to "sick" area. Every breath brings: re lief! Jars, tubes, MENTHOLATUM Women. in your 40's Do these symptoms Betray your Age? Do you--like so many women befrom hot flashes, nervous I tension, tween the ages of 38 and 52-suffer Irritability, are a bit blue at timesdue to the functional "middle-age" period peculiar to women? Then start at once -try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms.

This great medicine HELPS NATURE, Taken reguJarly-it helps build up resistance against such "middle-age" distress. For almost a century--thousands upon thousands of women have reported benefits. Also stomachio tonic. Follow label directions. Lydia E.

Pinkhams VEGETABLE COMPOUND Assembly to provide more funds and avert a cut in public assistance, Governor Willis pointed out ample funds for welfare work might be obtained if the production tax could be applied to warpurpose industrial alcohol. He returned from a hurried trip the Washington today and while declined to say definitely what called him there, dispatches from national capital told of his request to O.P.A. He submitted the proposal yesterday to Price Administrator Chester Bowles and other O.P.A. officials, the dispatches said, saying the money was needed for the State's welfare program, and asked O.P.A. to authorize the distilleries add the 5 cents a gallon to their sales price.

Assembly Could Act. The suggestion for raising the price was referred to O.P.A. attorneys and to Lester Chandler, price executive of O.P.A.'s Rubber, Drug and Chemicals Branch. The Governor left Frankfort Monday night without saying publicly where he was going. It was pointed out that if O.P.A.

acceded to Willis' request, he could ask the General Assembly to reimpose the tax on war alcohol. Britain Reported Ready to Send Food to France By Wireless to The New York Times and The Courier- Journal. Paris, March Attlee, deputy prime minister of Great Britain, is understood to have agreed today in the name of the British Government to make a long-term loan to France emergency food reserves accumulated in Britain. According to the semiofficial French News Agency, Britain will send immediately urgently needed sugar and fats in coastal vessels which can use ports not required by the military, and France will return supplies in kind as soon as imports from her Empire, be can be shipped resumed. from Britain Coal to permit French factories to continue to fill orders of the Allied armies.

Copyright, 1945. U. S. Soldier Scheduled To Be Hanged Today London, March 7 (AP) Pvt. Gustav Hulten, U.

S. Army paratrooper, is scheduled to be hanged at 9 a.m. tomorrow in the courtyard of London's Pentonville Prison. The first American soldier to receive such a sentence at the hands of British civil authorities in wartime, Hulten has exhausted his last hope of appeal. Today he was transferred from Wormwood Scrubs Prison to a death cell at Pentonville.

South Carolina Keeps Anti-Divorce Law Columbia, S. March 7 (AP)A minority in the House of Representatives blocked today an effort to revoke South Carolina's 50-year-old constitutional prohibition of divorces after one member said revocation would "let down the bars to wholesale sin." Supporters of a constitutional referendum were unable to muster the necessary two-thirds vote to win approval of a resolution which would submit the question to the voters. Birmingham Publisher, Victor H. Hanson, Dies Birmingham, March 7 (P) -Victor Henry Hanson, 69, who began his newspaper career at the age of 11 and became one of the South's leading publishers, died today. He was owner and chairman of the board of The Birmingham News and Age-Herald.

He also was owner of The Huntsville, Times and radio station WSGN, Birmingham. Shipbuilding Uses Most Steel. New York, March 7 -Shipbuilding consumed more steel in 1944 than any other single indususing 17 per cent of the total used by industry, against 19 per cent of the aggregate in 1943, when it also led the field, the American Iron and Steel Institute reported today. POWERFUL LIQUID PROMPTLY RELIEVES TORTURE AND AIDS HEALING OF SKIN RASHES Here's a Doctor's formula Zemo- -a stainless liquid which appears invisible on skin- -yet so highly medicated that first applications relieve itching, burning of simple skin rashes, eczema and similar skin and scalp irritations due to external cause. Won't show on skin.

Apply clean, stainless Zemo any time. In 8 sizes. At any drugstore. ZEMO Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, innamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis City and County Statistics Suits Filed 287666 Caldwell Bischoff VS.

J. J. Straley: damages. 287667-Thelma A. Stivers vs.

Bailey N. 287668 Stivers; Bonnie divorce. Studd Isaac T. Mudd: divorce. -Minnie J.

Keene vs. James E. Keene; divorce. 287670 Reliable Stores Corporation, et vs. Idabec D.

Harr, et account. 287671-Ida Johnson Homer Johnson; divorce. Indictments Malicious cutting and wounding-Irena Louisa Gantta. Malicious striking and woundingAlex D. Howard.

Dwelling house breaking--Nathaniel Lewis. Detaining a woman Willie Motley. Grand larceny-Clinton Watson. Indictments Dismissed Dwelling Scamahorne. -house breaking--Charles County Court Julia Weber appointed executrix of the estate of Daniel W.

Weber. trix Lois the Bellamy estate Hoge of John appointed execuof Stuart Hoge. Erskine Howard Courtenay and James Clark Courtenay appointed co-executors of the estate of Isabel Clark Courtenay. Ben J. Johnson appointed guardian of Donald Eugene Oglesby, Adelien Sullivan and Raymond Lee Blair.

Madeline Redmon Keith appointed guardian of Charles, Eula Jean and Laura Mallissa Redmon. Martin appointed administrator of the estate of Patrick w. Martin. Lawrence J. Mackey appointed public guardian of Gladys Colbert.

Police Court to driving- John drunkenness, Franklin. Herschel $100; Evans and John Fant, $20 each: William Raines. postponed to March 21. Manslaughter-Richard M. Buck, postponed to April 17.

Malicious H. Combs, postponed to March 9. Obtaining money under false pretenses -Nancy Knight, postponed to March 9. Destroying private property Ada Gray, postponed to March 20. Robbery -Cecil Grooms, postponed to March 10: Roscoe Napper and Charles E.

Stanton, to March 16. Assault and battery- Traut, postponed to March 15. Storehouse breaking- Walter Woodruff, postponed to March 13. Converting property of to own use -Vaughan Downs, postponed to March 10. Births BoysMrs.

Bruce R. McDermott, Anchorage, Feb. 7. Mrs. Kenneth L.

Boylan, 4406 Jewell, Feb. 24. Mrs. Charles W. Cox, 2018 Garland, Feb.

25. Mrs. Thomas K. Allison, 2400 Woodbourne, Feb. 14.

Mrs. Robin T. Garr, 4013 Winchester Feb. 14. Mrs.

William M. Robinson, Rt. 6. Louisville, Jan. 14.

Mrs. George G. Slaughter, Middletown, Feb. E. 5.

Mrs. Paul Boyer, Campbellsburg. Feb. 26. Girls.

Mrs. Gilbert S. Adams, 3116 Chicadee Road, Feb. 12. Mrs.

Joseph C. Hannah, 19 LaSalle Place. Feb. 25. Mrs.

Herman B. Broida, 225 S. Hubbard Lane, Feb. 28. Feb.

Mrs. Dudley B. Shaftner, Boston, 27. Mrs. Lavern C.

Fuehring. 1053 S. 32d. Feb. Mrs.

23. William R. Gruner, 223 E. Ormsby, Feb. 22.

Mrs. Leslie W. Girdley, Rt. Jeffersontown, Jan. 10.

Mrs. Eugene F. Greenwood. Crestwood, Feb. 24.

Mrs. Dale S. Wiseheart. Fisherville, Ky. Mrs.

Feb. 24. Shepard M. Latter, 1506 Cherokee Road, Feb. 26.

Mrs. Bernard R. Able, 514 S. Clay, Jan. 16.

Mrs. Charles R. Harrison, 124 Vernon, Jan. 25. Divorces Granted Mrs.

June M. Evridge from Louis cruelty; married 1937; one child. Mrs. Lucy M. Armstrong from Justus cruelty: married 1931; one child.

Mrs. Juanita 0'Koon from Carl; cruelty; married 1942. Mrs. Ruth H. Beamer from John cruelty: married 1941.

Mrs. Ileene Steele from Lloyd; cruelty; married 1933; one child. Joseph Milliken from Mrs. Bessie: 5-year separation: married 1927. Mrs.

Katherine Greenia from Fred 5-year separation; married 1924: two children. Mrs. Christine Spann from Lee cruelty: married 1944. Mrs. Margaret Duncan from George cruelty; married 1940.

Mrs. Irene D. Meyer from Fred; 5- year separation; married 1924; five children. Mrs. Virginia Hutchison from Marion cruelty; married 1940.

William Rogers from Mrs. Alice; 5-year separation; married 1926. Mrs. Josephine Crady from Leroy; 5- year separation; married 1927; two children. Mrs.

Louise Seidl from Clarence; cruelty; married 1937; two children. Mrs. Mary S. Williams from Lawrence abandonment; married 1941; one child. James T.

Sullivan from Mrs. Mildred L. abandonment; married 1939. Mrs. Schmitt from Urbon: 5-year married 1932.

cruelty: married 1941. Jacob J. Buehner from Mrs. Eva Mrs. Helen C.

Grace from Frank, cruelty: married 1941; one child. Mildred E. Bosler from William abandonment; married 1939; on child. Mrs. Bessie P.

Maki from Axel; cruelty: married 1936. Elmer Johnston from Mrs. Anna 5-year separation: married 1937; one child. Mrs. La Ray Krause from Robert cruelty; married 1940.

Mrs. 'Ella Hicks from Dillard; abandonment; married 1931; three children. Mrs. Clara Williams from Walter: 5-year separation; married 1924; one child. Charles P.

Getz from Catherine; misconduct; married 1944. Mrs. Catherine McDonough from Ben: abandonment; married 1921; three chilMrs. Beatrice Whayne from Robert cruelty; married 1928. Mrs.

Laura M. Jolly from Thomas cruelty; married 1940. Mrs. Pauline S. Adams from William W.

cruelty; married 1940. Mrs. Anna M. Almond from Raymond; abandonment; married 1942; one child. Mrs.

Pearl Ray from Logan; cruelty; married 1913. Mrs. Lucille Hofmeister from Oscar; abandonment; married 1923. Georgia Thompson from Bart, abandonment: married 1942. Marriage Licenses Harold Devlin.

21, Army, Tamaqua, Ethel Pierce. 18, 1715 W. Hill. William Kenneth Smith. 22.

Navy, 3708 Craig: Clara LaVerne Gribbins, 21, 2709 Taylor Boulevard. Charles W. Bryant, 23. Army, Providence, R. Kathleen Koonz, Sheeburne Falls.

Mass. Stannard Elliott Phelps, 23, Navy, 1617 Brashear Drive; Elizabeth Martin, 28. New York City, Roy C. Messick, 23, A 641 N. 27th; Clarice Braun, 2 2510 Western Parkway.

W. H. Stokley, III, 28, welder; Edna Actor Fined As Drunken Driver. Los Angeles, March 7 (AP)fined $250 today after pleading Cowboy actor do Ken Maynard was guilty to a misdemeanor charge of drunk driving. Yesterday's Weather Reported By U.

S. Weather Bureau. Station. High. Low.

Prec. Atlanta, Ga. 63 .04 Atlantic City, N. .08 Boston. Mass.

38 35 .07 Buffalo, N. 35 .00 Cleveland, Ohio .23 Cincinnati, a .00 Ill. 35 .01 Denver, Colo. .00 Detroit, Mich. Duluth, Minn.

Jacksonville, Fla. Kansas City, Mo. Los Angeles, Calif. Louisville, Ky. Memphis, Tenn.

Miami, Fla. Minneapolis. St. La. Paul.

New York, N. Y. Pittsburgh, Penn. Portland. Maine St.

Louis, Mo. San Antonio, Texas .00 San Francisco, 54 .00 Seattle. Wash. 53 .09 Washington, D. C.

49 .05 METEOROLOGICAL DATA. (Official.) Louisville, March 7, 1945. A.M. Noon 7 P.M. Temperature (dry bulb) 36 37 38 Dew point 32 31 Temperature (wet bulb) 34 35 Relative humidity 85 74 Temperatures and Precipitation -Maximum temperature, 39; minimum temperature, 35: temperature, mean 41: temperature, departure 37: for day.

departure for month, 58; departure since March 58: mean relative humidity, 78: total precipitation, trace; normal precipitation. .14: departure for day, departure for month. 5.76; departure since March 1, 5.76. Hazelwood, 27, both of Valley Station, Ky. Justin F.

O'Brien. 30. highway ploye: Ottilie Bohn, 41, both of Urbana. Ohio. Clarence J.

Moore, 57, carpenter, 1307 S. First; Iva L. Kirkpatrick, 62, 1243 S. First. Richard L.

Bennett, BeArgy. Bradford, Gladys Camp Taylor. Robert G. Werner, 23, Army. Springfield.

Betty Jane Sandidge, 18, 433 E. Lee. Richard L. Johnson. 51, highway employe, Sheffield.

Mary Belle Embry, 52, Valley Station. The Conrier Daily and Sunday Courier-Journal. All of Kentucky Indiana and Tennessee $6.40 $3.30 $1.10 All other 15.00 7.50 3.75 1.25 Sunday Courier-Journal. All of Kentucky Indiana and Tennessee $2.50 $1.35 $0.45 All other States. 6.00 3.00 1.50 .50 A single copy of any week-day issue mailed for 5 cents; Sunday.

10 cents. Mail orders not accepted from localities served by delivery agents. Rates for Carrier Delivery In Louisville, New Albany and Jeffersonville: Daily and Sunday Courier-Journal, 25c week. Daily only, 18c Sunday only, 10c. Daily Courier-Journal, Sunday Courier-Journal, Louisville Times for 35c a week.

All to the same address. Outside of Louisville, New Albany and Jeffersonville: Daily and Sunday CourierJournal, 25c week. Daily Courier-Journal, Sunday Louisville Times. all to same address, 40c week. CLASSIFIED ADS The Courier-Journal The Louisville Times ANNOUNCEMENTS Deaths and Funerals.

BAGBY. Patricia Lee. 2 years of age. daughter of Cpl. and Mrs.

Will Bagby died Wednesday, March 7th, at a.m., at the Children's Free Hospital. The remains are at the residence, 431 E. 5th New Albany, Ind. Funeral service will be held Friday, 10:30 a.m., at the residence. Interment in St.

Mary's Cemetery. BARROW, Harry Robert, Tuesday, March 6, 1945, 4:30 Beloved husband of Lida V. Barrow (nee Veirs): father of Mrs. J. C.

Hall. Indianapolis, and Capt. Robert Lee Barrow Rio, Texas; brother of Mrs. W. D.

Hudgens, Tulahoma, also survived by four grandchildren. Funeral, Thursday, March 8, from the residence, 1941 Deerwood, at 1:30 p.m. Interment in Resthaven Cemetery. BARTMAN, Matilda Monday, March 1945, Bartman, at Miami, and mother widow of Mrs. of H.

Charles Redix, Zehnder Coral Gables, Mrs. Irwin A. and John R. Bartman; sister Mrs. Richard Rondi and Fred Seibert Akron, Ohio.

Remains will arrive in Louisville Tuesday night and will be taken to Pearson's, 1310 S. 3d St. Funeral from St. Paul's Methodist Church, Bardstown Rd. and Douglass Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.

Interment in Cave Hill Cemetery. BOES, William age 71 years, Tuesday, March 6, 1945, at 4 p.m. Beloved husband of Mary Margaret Boes (nee Strother); brother of Mrs. John Finegan and Edward Boes, Indianapolis, Ind. Residence, 1504 Lexington Rd.

Funeral from Schildt's Funeral Home, Broadway at Clay, Friday morning 8:30 and from St. Joseph's Church at 9 o'clock. Interment in St. Michael's Cemetery. BOYSEN, John, Tuesday, March 6, 1945, at 1:10 p.m.

at St. Joseph Infirmary; residence, 1936 Richmond brother of uncle G. W. of Mrs. Boysen, Indianapolis, B.

and Curry, J. Fred Boysen and A. G. Boysen of San Francisco, Calif. Funeral from Pearson's, 1310 S.

3d Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment in Cave Hill Cemetery. CECIL, Mr. Silas, passed away suddenly 1734 March 22d 1945, at in 8:40 44th a.m.. residence S.

his year. Devoted husband of Mrs. Grace Fryrear Cecil, beloved father of Miss Norma Jean Cecil, brother of Mrs. Sudie Kerfoot, Mrs. Essie Kessler, both of Cecilia, Mrs.

Ida Van Meter. Elizabethtown, Mr. Riley Cecil. Cecilia, Mrs. Charles Cecil, Glendale, and Mr.

Calvin Cecil, Louisville. Remains resting at the family residence. Funeral services Friday afternoon from the residence at 2 p.m. and at 2:30 p.m. from the 23d and Broadway Baptst Church.

Burial in Resthaven Cemetery. CONNELLY, Mrs. Margaret M. (nee Murphy), age 53 years, Tuesday, March 6, 1945, at 9:45 p.m., at SS. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital, residence 2922 S.

5th St. Widow of the late James J. Connelly; beloved mother of William in France; Joseph radio technician, at sea; John J. and Mrs. Margaret B.

Speckman of Louisville, Mrs. Mary E. Smith of Peekskill N. survived by sister, Ella Murphy of Ireland: also survived by 4 grandchildren. Remains at the A.

Blanford Funeral Home, 2815 S. 4th. Funeral from T. A. Blanford Funeral Home, 2815 S.

4th. Saturday morning at 8:30 and at Holy Name Church at 9 o'clock. Rosary will be recited by the church society Friday at 3 and 8:15 p.m. EDMISTON. Mrs.

Jane Carpenter, age 87 years, at 11:20 a.m.. March 7. 1945, at her residence. 1208 S. 2d widow of the late David B.

Edmiston: survived by daughter, Mrs. E. O. Werness, and son. John F.

Edmiston, and niece, Mrs. Joseph James of Okmulgee. Okla. Remains at Lee E. Cralle 1330 S.

3d St. Funeral from Cralle's at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, March 8. Interment at Crab Orchard. Friday.

GARR, Benjamin Franklin, age 68 years; Wednesday, March 7th, 1945. at 8 a.m., at his residence. Coral Ridge. Ky. Survived by five sons, George, Walter, Cecil and Ray Garr, and Pvt.

Woodrow Garr, Australia; three daughters, Mrs. Flossie Purcell, Mrs. Minnie Sheeley and Mrs. Martha Bishop; one brother, George A. Garr; 20 grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.

Funeral from the McDaniel Funeral Home, 4339 Park Friday, March 9th, at 1:30 p.m., and from the Coral Ridge Baptist Church at 2 o'clock. Interment in Coral Ridge Cemetery. HAYES. Charles Wednesday, March 7th, 1945, at 2:15 a.m.: in his 38th year. Beloved husband of Adia Hayes; father of Seibert J.

Mildred Bernice, Donald Everett and Jenifu Elaine Hayes: son of Mrs. Rena Hayes; brother of Mrs. May Jaggers, Hilary and Elven Hayes. Remains at residence, 813 S. 13th St.

Notice of the funeral later. KIRCH, Mrs. Anna Freda (nee Freudenberger), passed away suddenly in her 63d year, Saturday, March 3. 1945, 2:30 p.m.; residence. Shelby St.

Beloved wife of Mr. William A. Kirch; devoted mother of Mrs. Marvin Kelly, Mrs. Jacob Brumleve and Raymond T.

Kirch of Los Angeles: also survived by brother, Mr. Jacob Freudenberger, of St. Louis, and eight Heady Funeral Home, Oak Schiller grandchildren. Remains at the Arch where services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.

MORGAN, William age 65 years; Wednesday, March 7th, 1945, at 2:20 p.m., at the residence on Johnson Lane. Beloved husband of Mrs. Mary L. Morgan (nee Slinker); also survived by two sons, William E. and Edgar Morgan; three daughters, Mrs.

Lewis Moore. Mrs. EmMattingly and Mrs. Harold Henson; one brother, Mark Morgan: two sisters, Mrs. Sudie Henderson and Mrs.

Katie Murrell. and 22 grandchildren. Funeral from 1:30 the residence Saturday, March 10th. at p.m., and from Gethsemane tist Church at 2 o'clock. Interment in Coral Ridge Cemetery.

OAKLEAF. Ruth age 38 years, Tuesday. March 6, 1945, at p.m., residence 724 Franklin devoted beloved wife of George F. Oakleaf; mother Mrs. Mary Thurman and George F.

Oakleaf, daughter of Mrs. Catherine Wright: sister of Mrs. Ida Radcliffe, Mrs. Catherine Stivinsky, Pvt. Louis M.

Hanks of Camp Walters. Texas, and Pvt. William A. Ingram, in France; also survived by grandchildren. Remains at Albert Neurath Son Funeral Home, 725 E.

Market St. Funeral services Friday at 11 a.m. Interment in Eastern Cemetery. POTTS, Metta Wakefield, Friday, March 2, 1945. at Miles City, Montana, formerly of Fisherville, Ky.

Mother of Siebert and Herman Potts. Mrs. C. E. Walters and Mrs.

Cy Ness: brothers, Knox, William and John Wakefield: survived also by four grandchildren. Remains will arrive Wednesday night and will be at Myers Funeral Home, Jeffersontown. Ky. Funeral Friday, March 9, from the chapel at 2 p.m. Interment in Jeffersontown Cemetery.

REYNOLDS. Charles, age 37 years, Monday. March 5. 1945. at 11 p.m..

at Waverly Hills Sanatorium. Beloved son of Mrs. Lillie Reynolds and brother of Mrs. Mary Thurman. Remains at L.

D. Bax Sons Funeral Home, 717 E. Chestnut St. Services Thursday, March 8. at 10 a.m.

ROSENBAUM, Benjamin Wednesday, March 7. 1945, at 11:15 a.m.: survived by wife, Nellie daughter, Mrs. Harry L. Goodman: son. Pfc.

BenCamp Blanding, grandchildren: 4 brothers. Leon Sam. Harry and Jesse. Funeral from his late residence, 1419 Willow. Friday afternoon at Interment in B'rith Sholom Cemetery.

SHAW. Mrs. Verna Miller: passed away suddenly March 6, 1945, at 7:25 p.m.. in her 24th year; residence, 1638 S. 30th St.

Devoted wife of Pvt. William H. Shaw. Germany: beloved sister of Mrs. Wiburta Clark.

Miss Edna Miller and Ernest F. Miller, U. S. Monterey: also survived by step-parents. Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest Payne. Remains resting at the Owen Funeral Home. 2611 Virginia Ave. Funeral services Friday morning from the Owen chapel at 8 a.m.

and from the Walnut Grove Church, near Lodiburg. at 1 p.m. Burial in Walnut Grove Cemetery. SIMMONS, Ida Murphy, at Hollywood, Sunday. March 4.

1945. Beloved wife of the late W. M. Simmons; devoted mother of E. P.

of Dallas. Texas, William of Chicago. Thurston. Octavia and Ida B. Simmons of Hollywood sister of Mrs.

John Hanco*ck of Dallas. Remains will Friday. March at 7:30 a.m.. Pennsylvania R.R. Funeral will be Friday, March 9.

1945. at 10:30 a.m. from the Barrett Funeral Home, 1230 Bardstown Rd. Interment in St. Louis Cemetery.

Deaths and Funerals. STEIGER, Henry, age 41 years, Tuesday, March 6. 1945, at 10:20 a.m.. residence. 71 Kenilworth Bell Court.

Beloved husband of Gladys Moore Steiger and father of Gladys Elaine, Dolores, Beverly and Henry Steiger son of Mrs. Henry Steiger, brother of Mrs. Robert Carlisle. Rudoiph and Melvin Steiger. Remains at Albert Neurath Son Funeral Home, 725 E.

Market St. Funeral services Thursday at 2 p.m., Interment in Cave Hill Cemetery. SUTTON, William; age 64 years, Tuesday, March 6, 1945, at 9 p.m.: beloved father of Joseph, Hugh, Charles and Miss Marie Sutton. Funeral Wednesday, March 7. at 2:30 from L.

D. Bax St. Sons Interment in Resthaven Cemetery. Funeral Home, 717 E. Chestnut TRUE, Henry Monday, March 5, 1945: beloved father of Mrs.

D. C. Reeder of Poughkeepsie, New York. Remains at L. D.

Bax and Sons Funeral Home, 717 E. Chestnut St. Services Thursday, March 8, at 2 p.m. Interment in Resthaven Cemetery. UNDERWOOD, Mrs.

Nettie, age 50 years; Wednesday, March 7th, 1945, at 4:30 p.m.. at the General Hospital. Residence A Camp Taylor, Beloved wife of Underwood; also survived by six sons, Charles, Albert, Jess, William, Earl. Glenn: six daughters, Elmer Hoskins. Mrs.

Gracie Richey, Mrs. Zena Hester, and Misses Ruth, Frances and Adell Underwood; one brother, Benney Jackson: one sister. Mrs. Lula Tinnell: 13 grandchildren. Remains at the McDaniel Funeral Home, 4339 Park Blvd.

Notice of funeral later. VITITOW. Mrs. Ernestine (nee Culver), age 62 vears, Sunday, March 1945, at 1 beloved p.m., at wife the residence, 2227 Lytle of Curtis Vititow: also survived by 5 daughters, Annie Carter, New Haven, Mrs. Evelyn Ford, Mrs.

Kathryn Edlin, Mrs. Dudley Taylor, Mrs. Joseph Hickey: 3 sons. Vititow, Howard Vititow. Bernard E.

Vititow, Hawaii, and 11 grandchildren. Funeral from the residence Thursday, March 8, at 2 p.m. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery, WOOSLEY. Dessie Wednesday, 1945, at 6:30 a.m.. at the residence, 2427 W.

Broadway, in her 23d year. Devoted wife of Herschel Woosley; mother of Donald Woosley and sister of Lorene Woosley. The body was moved to the funeral home of Carl E. Herbold. 20th and Broadway.

Funeral agrangements will be announced later. Cemetery Lots, Monuments. 6 CREMATION: free pamphlet. JA 7566. Growing Tendency.

LOUISVILLE CREMATORY. 641 Baxter. Funeral Directors. ALBERT NEURATH SON Funeral Home 725 Market St JA 1191. BARRETT FUNERAL HOME 1230 Bardstown Road.

HI 1758. C. W. Schoppenhorst Mrs. Edw.

Schoppenhorst. SCHOPPENHORST BROS. Funeral Home, 19th and Market. SH 0087. 2815 S.

4th. 'MA 0141-0142. BLANFORD. T. GODFREY F.


INC. 1310 S. Third St. MA 0510-0511 LEE E. CRALLE INC.

1330 S. Third St. MA 0771 MA 0772. McDANIEL BROS. MA 1011-1012 4339 Park Blvd.

JOHN B. RATTERMAN AND SONS. Funeral Parlors. 2114 Market. H.

BOSSE SON 600 E. Broadway. WA 3171. Lodge Notices. AURORA Lodge, Number 633, F.

and A. will meet, 919 Baxter Thursday, March at 7:30 p.m., for work in M. 'M. Degree; members requested to attend; visitors welcome. Joe Lewter, Master: P.

G. Stapleton, Secretary. NAOMI Chapter, Number 14, 0. E. will meet in.

stated communication this Thursday evening, March 8. at 7:45 p.m., in DeMolay Hall, 212 W. Broadway, for business and initiation: visitors welcome. Florence Herdel, W. Anna W.

Graves. Secretary. SCOTTISH Rite Temple, Brook and Gray Streets; Pelican Chapter, Rose Croix, will confer the 17th degree this Thursday. March 8, 1945, at 4:30 p.m., and the 18th degree at 7:30 p.m. George F.

Sengel, Wise Master; S. K. Bernstein, Secretary. SUBURBAN Lodge, Number 740, F. and A.

will meet in stated communication at their hall. 3d and Central Thursday evening, March 8, at 7:30 o'clock, for regular business and conference of the M. M. degree. Visitors welcome.

Members urged attend. Chester M. Bryant, Master; E. L. Crutcher, Secretary.

SUNSET Lodge, Number 915. F. and A. will meet in stated communication this Thursday evening, at 7 p.m., for examinations, 7:30 for regular business and work in the F. C.

Degree; visitors invited. R. C. Cromwell, Master; Elmer Metcalf, Secretary. Lost.

BILLFOLD: containing money, driver's report, gas coupons and other papers, license, military passes, tire inspection Tuesday at Bardstown Road and Weber Avenue: finder keep money, return other contents. Call HI 4841. BILLFORLD, black; contained identification papers of sailor, money. driver's license, reward. Phone Shepherdsville 6232.

BRACELET. sterling silver. engraved with various war missions: Friday morn ing. between Floyd and Walnut and Preston and Walnut or on Preston St. car; sentimental value.

Reward. JA 3543. BRACELET, yellow gold, link, with heart center, in shopping district. Saturday; reward. Call SH 2520-J.

COAT. brown Chesterfield: lady who took coat by mistake Monday evening at Simon's Delicatessen, please return and get yours. JA 0581 after 10 a.m. COAT: person who took black chesterfield coat mistake at Mather's party, February 28, 1945, please return to Bitzer's and get their coat. DOG, white fox terrier, female, black eye and ear, long tail; answers to Trixie: strayed Saturday from vicinity 20 Kenilworth Lane.

Reward. TA 1078. DOG, black co*cker Spaniel. with white spot on throat; strayey from 1545 Story Ave. Sunday.

Reward. Call WA 0644. DOG, black toy, Scottie. female. name.

Peggy: wandered from S. Bayly March 5. Reward. Call TA 6289. DOG, co*cker spaniel, solid black, named vicinity East End: Sunday.

Reward. Call WA 6508. DOG, hound. red and white speckled female: near Iroquois Park. Saturday, February 24.

Reward. FR 2727. DOG. Dalmatian, white with black spots, answers to Tootsie; lost in Highlands: reward. HI 5655.

EARRING, gold, with initial Sunday night, February 25: sentimental value. Reward. JA 1982. FURS. 3.

minks; gift of deceased father; in taxi or vicinity Kentucky Tavern. Reward. FR 6405. GLASSES, red rims. in Southern Optical case; March reward.

MA 8500, Apartment 659. IDENTIFICATION bracelet. gold, with name Gerry Allgeler: Sunday. near Preston and Eastern sentimental value. Reward.

Call MA 2903-M. KEYS on chain: on Shelby and Jefferson: Saturday: return to Mr. Mason. Shelby and Jefferson. or call WA 2983.

Reward. KEYS. 3 small, in brown leather case: last Saturday, March 3. Call HI 2660. Reward.

LOCK box; vicinity 1725 Harold: containing papers valuable only to owner; liberal reward. SH 2814-M. PIN, shape of bow, yellow stone in center: in Loew's Theater Sunday. Reward. TA 3234.

PURSE; large, black patent leather; lost on 6th St. car, February containing money, valuable papers. Liberal reward. MA 6654-W. PURSE, black; containing glasses, 2 brooch pins, at 10th St.

or in cab Tuesday night; reward. HI 4074. PURSE. large. black leather; draw string; Saturday night.

Reward. Call SH 6257-J after 6 p.m. RINGS: 1 diamond, crown setting. and turquoise ring: Thursday, March 1st: liberal reward If' returned to owner. HI 3717.

SHOES. blue sandals from Selman's. in Woolworth's basem*nt. Monday night: liberal reward. AR 0404-R after 5 p.m.

SNOW suit coat, child's. size 3. dark bluish gray sidewalk in front of home. 3131 Bank: reward. SH 9104.

VANITY, gold with blue enamel top, in Loew's Theater, evening March 1: $5 reward. Call HI 0903. WATCH. 17-jewel Bulova, lost on corner 12th and Hill at bus stop. Reward.

MA 3601-R. WRIST watch. Elgin, white gold oblong shape, yellow gold link chain: Thursday afternoon: Jefferson St. bus or shopping district. Reward.

HI 5556-J. WRIST watch, lady's yellow gold. initials J.C.M.: Monday at Nazareth, Memorial Auditorium or on 4th St. car. MA 2910; reward.

WRIST watch, lady's yellow gold with black band; on Norris Pl. bus, Wednesday morning, March 7th; reward. Call HI 1535. WRIST watch, diamond: lost at 4th and main or A. P.

store in 1100 block Bardstown liberal reward. HI 1099-W at night. WRIST watch, lady's. Fairfax, Broadway bus or 4th St. car, Tuesday.

Reward. SH 2104-W. Found. 12 BICYCLE, boy's; owner may have for cost of ad. Call MA 5597-M.

DOG, young female, brown and black. some brindle; gentle; Floyd Walnut. Wells. JA 3678. Information--Personals.

13 GOVERNMENT SURPLUS REPORT. We now issuing each day invitations and sales of Government surplus materials in the Procurement Office of the U. S. Treasury, The Fifth Service Command. the U.

S. Navy and the R.F.C. Sample copies on request. The Ohio News Bureau 39 West Broad Columbus 15, Ohio. MATHEMATICS teacher wanted: 5th grade.

Write 250, care C.J.-Times. Information-Personals. 13 LOUISVILLE'S LARGEST FUR STOCK Walk a Block Save Lot! $229 (2) Silver Fox Scarfs $100 $199 (2) Silver Fox Scarfs $100 $197.50 (5) Mink Skin Scarfs $135 (3) Mink Skin Scarfs Mink-dyed Squirrel Skins Mountain Sable Skins $15.75 Mink Skin Scarfs $12.00 Arranged in 3. 4. 5.

6 Skin Scarfs. All Furs Reduced Pay as you wear or use our lay-away plan. Your charge account is welcome. Spring Clearance Sale. FURS BY PACY The Fox Furriers.

219 W. Chestnut. WA 6935. VITALIZER, saves bottle gasoline and oil, gallons more power. pep; $1 treats 150 gas; your service station by LENZ TESTING LABORATORIES.

312 Armory Place. Established 1933. FEDERAL and state income compiled, 900 Heywood or your home, at your convenience. Call MA 0265-R, between 1 p.m. and 10 p.m.

INCOME tax returns. individual and business, prepared evenings by experienced accountant. 650 S. 37th. SH 0362-M for appointment.

BLUE River Inn, Route 62. 6 miles west Corydon, Ind. chicken, steak and country ham; closed Mondays, Tuesdays. PIANOS wanted. any style: best cash prices paid: wanted for out-of-town buyers.

Phone Willis, JA 5340. NAME engraved for 50c; protect your pen against loss. Kentucky Pen Shop. 316 W. Chestnut.

INCOME tax returns and estimates prepared evenings by experienced accountant. HI 4340. PHOTOGRAPHS, postcard size, 8854-M taken in your home, 10 for $5.25. MA or FR 3339. PIANOS WANTED.

Cash immediately. A A. A. Tiller 724 S. 4th St.

Call JA 7453. INCOME returns prepared by public accountant; evenings to 8. 603 Realty Bldg. WA 3452. TIME to seed and feed your lawn.

Bunton Seed Floyd and Jefferson. WA 2377. SERVICES OFFERED Services Offered- -General. ACCOUNTANT: income tax returns prepared: monthly statements. Wm.

S. Wetterer. 118 'S. Fourth. JA 6780-Night phone HI 7165-J.

ACCOUNTING: I will keep your books or supervise their keeping render financial and operating statements; also prepare income and other tax reports for companies or individuals: reasonable charges. Day phone WA 3185. night or Sunday, HI 6883. Mr. Thornbury, AUTO glass, door parts, locks installed while you wait; furniture tops.

Apply Andy's Glass Shop. 706 W. Broadway. WA 4749. ANTIQUE AND MODERN UPHOLSTERING HAVE your furniture rebuilt; your frame and springs are good; we have materials in stock; call us for estimates.

Jeffreys Upholstering Shop, 641 S. First. JA 2652. BAsem*nTS pumped out: immediate service: hourly rate. Call day or night.

TA 8441: TA 8579. BRICK siding, building repairing, remodeling. caulking; estimates given; work guaranteed. M. A.

Epperson. Phone BUILDING. remodeling, repairing. BELL KOCH. TA 0904.

TA 8688. TA 3759. remodeling, roofs raised, repairing, roofing. McNulty Bros. SH 3986.

CARPENTRY work. general reconditioning from foundation to roof: take small jobs. Phone Dolan, MA 6565-R. CARPENTER, expert, remodeling, honest work at honest prices. FR 6566.

CHIMNEYS rebuilt, flues cleaned, fireplaces repaired, tuck pointing. SH 3973-J. CLOCKS and watches repaired: fast service. JA 6625 or 302 Board of Trade N. W.

cor. 3d and Main Sts. immediate CURTAINS service; reasonable prices. laundered and stretched; 1715 Magazine St. or WA 6174.

ELECTRICAL wiring: residential, commercial; licensed; appliances repaired. 616 Preston St. WA 2391. No delivery. FLOORS; our 50 years' experience your guarantee; insist on the best.

H. M. Engleman. WA 2838. ELECTRIC motor repairs.

small motors our specialty, prompt and guaranteed service. Call JA 6475. Best Bet Electric Hardware 912 W. Market. FLOORS: all kinds old floors made like new: sanding, refinishing: avoid spring rush.

SH 3619. FLOORS sanded and refinished: free estimates; immediate service; reasonable rates. John Filiatreau. Call SH 4743. FURNACES cleaned and repaired: new furnaces available for immediate service.

Call D. F. Hinkebein, HI 6889. FURNACES cleaned, repaired: any make: stoker service: steam and hot water. Kirchner.

Call SH 4586. FURNITURE repaired and upholstered, slip covers, draperies, curtains made and laundered: work guaranteed. O'Bannon Service. 432 S. Floyd.

WA 0441. FURNITURE repairing, gluing, webbing, springs tied; work at your home or my shop; keep free of pests; 16 years' experience. WA 2684. FURNITURE upholstering. repairing.

rebuilt like new; work guaranteed. TA 3893. GAS heating service: all equipment adjusted, controls repaired: new furnaces available. William Zipper. MA 5651.

INCOME tax figured: charges able: 1:30 p.m. on. Chas. G. Bridwell, 117 E.

Breckinridge. MATTRESSES of all kinds repaired; immediate service. Call JA 7926. Bernard Gittings, 819 E. Washington.

PATCH plastering: immediate. service: free estimates. J. D. WA 4571.

PATCH plastering: immediate service; free estimates. Thacker. JA 6414. PLASTERING; large or small jobs; quick service; good work. The Housing Service.

763 S. Shelby. JA 4486. PLUMBING and heating remodeling, repairing; '3419 free estimates. Charles E.

3811-W. Cutsinger, W. Jefferson. SH PLUMBING repairs: why wait weeks? Call SH 2567 and have a licensed plumber on the job right away. PUMPING: we will pump water out of your basem*nt.

Zipper Gas Heating Service. MA 5651. RADIO repair: washer, sweeper repair; all makes; prewar stock, tubes. parts: quick service: work guaranteed; pickup and delivery. Home Appliance Service 1507 Bardstown Rd.

HI 3056. promptly: 18 years' experience: work REFRIGERATION and radio repairs guaranteed: 24-hour service; pickup and delivery. General Refrigerator Service. MA 2861. If no answer, call SH 2624.

REFRIGERATION and radio: 24-hour guaranteed service: all electrical appliances. Foster's Radio Shop. MA 4586. REFRIGERATORS repaired at home or shop; parts and gas for all makes; reliable guarantee. Upton.

FR 2679 until 9 p.m. REFRIGERATOR service; all makes repaired at a minimum cost; refrigerators regassed at home; $2.50 up; free estimates. FR 2934. REFRIGERATOR service: Crosley, Leonard, Kelvinator: all makes; all services prompt and reasonable. Call JA 2081.

ROOF painting and gutter repairs; immediate service; free estimates; work guaranteed. Call JA 8454. ROOFING and general repairing; free estimates: immediate service. E. T.

Rogers, 333 S. Preston. JA 6789. ROOFING: Inselbric, Inselstone; guttering and repairing. McNulty Bros.

SH 3986. SAWS: hand. circle, band saws: filed. set, brazed, summed; expert workmanW. C.

Heimerdinger 116 W. Market. ship. SAWS and lawnmowers sharpened and repaired. The Saw Shop, southwest corner Campbell and Main.

Plenty of parking space. JA 4755. SEWING machines: we repair all make sewing machines; machines rented by the month; we will purchase your old Singer. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 647 S.

4th. 1605 Bardstown Rd. JA 4212. HI 1100. VACUUM cleaners and washers repaired; will give immediate service; work is guaranteed.

Phone FR 6298. VACUUM cleaners, radios. washers: repaired, bought and sold. SH 3069. WASHERS repaired; Maytag and other 24-hour service: a written guarantee on popular makes; also vacuum cleaners; all work; operating under O.P.A.

regulations: Goodyear white soft wringer rolls; we carry a complete line of parts for all make washers and vacuum cleaners; we have highly skilled mechanics: we do the job right at reasonable prices. AMERICAN WASHER CO. 437 S. 2d, WA 4063: JA 5730. WASHERS repaired; Maytags a specialgenuine Maytag parts; white wringer rolls and parts for all makes; written guarantee; prompt service.

Appliance Washer Service. FORMERLY MAYTAG SHOP. 346 E. Market. WA 1457.

WASHERS repaired; all makes; work guaranteed: prompt service: expert mechanics. Washer Service. MA 7180. 1402 S. Preston St.

repaired. all makes: work guaranteed: expert Service. prompt service. Easy Appliance 4634. WASHING machine repairing: we don't pick our makes or models; we repair any model or any kind; white soft wringer rolls.

Look-free pick-up and delivery, city wide. Washing Machine Parts and Service, 2201 and 2203 W. Market. SH 2726 or AR 0338. WASHING machine repairing: Maytags, Easy and Bendix: service guaranteed; all makes washers repaired; parts and white rolls; prompt service; estimates free.

FALLS CITY WASHER SHOP 650 S. Shelby. WA 9760. QUICK, courteous service on all makes of radios. washing machines and refrigerators: free pick-up, delivery service; 17 years' experience on electrical appliances of all kinds.

Call us first and save time and money. JA 9340. 1218 W. Market. WA 9684.

524 S. Preston. ATTENTION property owners! If you are thinking of building, remodeling or repairing in city or county, call Emil J. Rutz. HI 1630-R.

KEEP your pen in good repair with Kentucky Shop guaranteed service. 316 W. Chestnut. Moving. Packing.

Storage. 21 ALT and Coffey; moving and hauling: experienced white help: immediate serv. ice: no job too large or small. Call MA 6626. LIGHT hauling of all kinds: Immediate service.

MA 0463-W. Moving, Packing, Storage. 21. MOVE yourself; rent padded van: save up to one-half: pads. equipment furnished.

U-Drive-It 657 S. 3d. JA 6016. Long Distance Moving. 22 LOADS wanted to Houston, Texas, or way points at once; part loads wanted to Columbus.

Ohio, Cleveland, Ohio. or way points at once; loads wanted to and from other cities. JA SETTLE MOVING STORAGE CO. LOADS wanted from other cities to Louisville; vans available for immediate long distance moving out of Louisville. A.

Arnold Son Transfer Storage Co. SH 5282. Painting, Papering 23 CALCIMINE: Kem-Tone and Mural-Tone over papered walls; enamel kitchens and bathrooms; we specialize in Dutch Boy, Eagle, lead and oil for outside painting; free estimates. JA 0761. CASEIN and Kem-Tone, $4.50 up; inside and outside painting done: enamel woodwork: free estimates.

Call W. H. McClanahan. MA 0079. CASEIN painting.

Kem-Tone, paper hanging. patch plastering; tarpaulins, no muss; free estimates. Hayes. SH 8998-J. CLEANING paper; avoid rush; have your paper cleaned by experienced men; interior exterior painting.

Home Cleaning and Painting Service. WA 3136. CLEANING paper, by expert; dirt: work guaranteed: immediate service. P. L.

Gates. AR 0430-W. CLEANING wallpaper; 22 years expertfully insured. Huber's. MA 2821-J.

CLEANING paper by expert; avoid rush: immediate service. SH 6784. CLEANING wallpaper. Call before 8 a.m. Dale, SH 6442-J.

HOUSE painting. interior and exterior: estimates given free: immediate service. Call E. O'Nan. SH 8776-R.

INTERIOR and exterior painting: woodwork, walls, floors, expertly done: carpentry, free estimates. Flynn's. FR 2709. PAINTING and decorating: interior and exterior: industrial, esidential and commercial; insured. R.

F. Receveur. Phone HI 2441. PAINTING, papering; steaming. KOCH.

TA 0904. TA 8688. TA 3759. PAPER hanging: free estimations: new samples shown: immediate service. 1710.

PAPER furnished and hung; patch plastering; South Central; MA 2746. PAPERING, plastering and inside painting; all work guaranteed. Call SH 8225-J. Pfund Bissig. PAPERING and painting: immediate service; work that satisfies.

MA 2807-W. ATTENTION, home owners; for expert papering and call WA 1028. ARTHUR MASS. 1708 W. MARKET AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles for Sale.

27 BUICK 1939 de luxe 4-door sedan: radio. heater; 5 good tires: looks and runs good: will trade: 15 months to pay. National Auto Sales, 815 W. Broadway. JA 4665.

BUICK 1937 de luxe 4-door sedan: good tires; looks and runs swell: will trade: 15 months to pay. National Auto Sales, 815 W. Broadway. JA 4665. BUICK 1939 sedan: like new; prewar tires; see it: guaranteed: trade and terms.

Geo. Byers Sons. 950 S. 3d. WA 1317.

CADILLAC 1937 de luxe 4-door sedan; trunk. radio, heater: 5 good tires: will trade: 15 months pay. National Auto Sales, 815 W. Broadway. JA 4665.

CADILLAC 1934 7-passenger: in good condition: practically new tires. 6-ply, 7.16; radio, spotlight and fog lights. Vermont. CHEVROLET 1941 Master De Luxe Town Sedan: heater, good tires; must see to appreciate: will trade. Walters Auto Sales.

858 S. 3rd. WA 0900. CHEVROLET 1933 coupe; good tires and motor, $100; man's bicycle $20. miles south of St.

Helens on Dixie Brannon's Tourist Camp. CHEVROLET 1941 station wagon; radio, heater, good tires; will trade. Walters Auto Sales. 858 S. 3rd St.

WA 0900. CHRYSLER, 4-door sedan, runs Station. good: good tires: $195. Golden Top 15th and Hill. CHRYSLER 1937 de luxe sedan; radio.

heater: good tires: looks and runs swell: will trade: 15 months to pay. National Auto Sales, 815 W. Broadway, JA 4665. CHRYSLER, 1938, two-door, heater, new paint. or 1936 Terraplane, 2-door, in good condition.

SH 3535-J. DE SOTO 1941 custom sedan: radio, heater: 5 good tires; beautiful blue finish; looks and runs like new; will trade: 15. months to pay. National Auto Sales. 815 W.

Broadway. JA 4665. DE SOTO 1939 de luxe town sedan: radio, heater; 5 good tires; looks and runs like new: will trade: 15 months to pay. National Auto Sales, 815 W. Broadway.

JA 4665. DODGE 1941 coupe; radio, heater; maroon finish ilke new; motor and tires A-1; will trade; 15 months to pay. King Auto Sales. 944 S. 3d.

JA 1921. FORD 1936 Tudor touring: equipped with radio and heater and finished in two-tone gray and maroon; this clean little car represents very unusual bargain and to buy it you will have to hurry and call Chagny. Hull-Dobbs, World's Highest Traders, 1213 W. Broadway. JA 6269.

FORD 1942 coupe; original black finish like new: must be seen to be appreciated: priority needed; will trade: 15 months to pay. King Auto Sales, 944 S. 3d. JA 1921. FORD 1939 convertible coupe; radio.

heater: good tires: looks and runs like new: will trade: 13 months to pay. National Auto Sales, 815 W. Broadway. JA 4665. FORD 1937 "85" de luxe Tudor: radio: perfect motor: newly recaped tires; months looks and runs swell; will trade; 15 to pay.

King Auto Sales, 944 S. 3d. JA 1921. FORD 1937 Tudor: radio. heater; looks and runs swell; 5 good tires: will trade: 15 months to pay.

National Auto Sales, 815 W. Broadway. JA 4665. FORD 1940 "60" Tudor; radio, heater, 5 good tires; will trade; 15 months to pay. King Auto Sales, '944 S.

3d. JA 1921. FORD 1937. Tudor; radio, heater; good motor and tires; will trade; 15 months to pay. King Auto Sales, 944 S.

3d. JA 1921. FORD 1935 Tudor; good motor: fair tires; $225; money needed for wife's Operation. FR 4556. FORD 1941 super coach; radio, heater: good tires; terms; trade.

Gardner's Lot, 1255 S. Preston. FORD coupe, model 1930: new clutch, brakes: licensed; runs fine. G. W.

Hunt, Anchorage 377. FORD Model terms; trade; good tires: 75 other cars. Gardner's Lot. 1255 S. Preston.

HUDSON 1942 de luxe six 2-door sedan: this popular sized Hudson has been well cared for by a well-known physician and is equipped with built-in heater and defroster, vacuum drive and Drive Master; the upholstery and tires are like new and the mileage is very low; for a real exceptionally good buy, call Matson, Hull-Dobbs, World's Highest Traders, 1213 W. Broadway. JA 6269. HUDSON 1939 2-door sedan; radio, heater; excellent motor and tires: perfect throughout; will trade; 15 months to pay. King Auto Sales.

944 S. 3d. JA 1921. LA SALLE 1937 5-passenger club coupe; radio, heater; 5 good tires; will trade; 15 months to pay. National Auto Sales.

815 W. Broadway. JA 4665. LINCOLN 1937 Zephyr 4-door sedan; radio and heater equipped: fine finish and good tires; this car ceilings at $625. and we will sell it today for only $325.

If you want this bargain call Wise, HullDobbs. World's Highest Traders, 1213 W. Broadway. JA 6269. LINCOLN Zephyr 1937 4-door; good tires: nice and clean; heater.

3806 Garfield. SH 7298-M. MERCURY 1940 Convertible club coupe: radio. heater. new finish.

all good tires: looks and runs like new: will trade: 15 months to pay. King Auto Sales. 944 S. 3d. JA 1921.

MERCURY 1940 de luxe sedan; radio, heater; good tires: looks and runs like new; will trade: 15 months to, pay. National Auto Sales, 815 W. Broadway. JA 4665. NASH 1940 5-passenger club coupe; radio, heater; 5 good tires; looks and runs like new: will trade: 15 months to pay.

National Auto Sales, 815 W. Broadway. JA 4665. OLDSMOBILE 1938 4-door touring sedan: finished in two-tone blue; this car makes an unusual appearance; it is equipped with good heater and the tires are in splendid this unusual bargain call Mr. Henry.

HullDobbs, World's Highest Traders, 1213 W. Broadway. JA 6269. OLDSMOBILE 1938 "8" club coupe; new finish; perfect tires and motor; radio, heater; looks like new: will trade: 15 months to pay. King Auto Sales, 944 S.

3d. JA 1921. OLDSMOBILE 1939 5-passenger club coupe; radio, heater: 5 good tires: looks and runs swell; will trade: 15 months to pay. National Auto Sales, 815 W. Broadway.

JA 4665. OLDSMOBILE 1937 de luxe town sedan; radio, heater: 5 good tires: looks and runs swell: will trade: 15' months to pay. National Auto Sales, 815 W. Broadway. JA 4665.

OLDSMOBILE 1940 "6" sedan: ready to go: guaranteed: trade and WA terms. 1317. Geo. Byers Sons, 950 S. 3d.

PACKARD 1940 convertible; finished in a beautiful black, and equipped with built-in radio and heater and defrosters: this car was owned by a prominent local citizen who is now overseas, and must be sold at once. Call Scoggin, HullDobbs. World's 'Highest Traders, 1213 W. Broadway. JA PACKARD 1940 sedan, model 110; radio.

heater, seat covers, other extras; paint, motor, tires perfect: will trade: 15 months to pay. King Auto Sales. 944 S. 3d. JA 1921 PACKARD 1937 4-door sedan; motor overhauled; all good tires: runs swell: will trade: 15 months to pay.

King Auto Sales. 944 S. 3d. JA 1921. PACKARD 1941 club convertible automatic top; radio, heater; good tires; will trade; 15 months to pay.

National Auto Sales, 815 W. Broadway. JA 4665. PACKARD 1937 model 120 4-door sedan: in excellent condition throughout. Welker's Lot, Preston and Broadway.

PACKARD 1935: clean, good motor: fair tires: price $250. Shaver's Service Station. Phone TA 9231. PACKARD coupe; low mileage; in good condition. Call Tom Bean, JA 2231.

PLYMOUTH 1941 4-door special de luxe sedan: 2-tone finish: radio. heater; low mileage: perfect throughout: will trade: 944 JA 1921. 15, months, to pay. King Auto Sales, THE COURIER-JOURNAL Thursday, March 8, 1945 5 Automobiles for Sale. 27 PLYMOUTH 1936 4-door touring sedan: this popular priced car is clean as pin and at our price won't be here a day; the equipment includes good heater and the motor and tires are in fine shape.

Call Aron. Hull-Dobbs, World's Highest Traders, 1213 West Broadway. JA 6269. PLYMOUTH 1940 de luxe town sedan: radio, heater; 5 good tires: looks and runs swell: will trade: 15. months to pay.

National Auto Sales. 815 W. Broadway. JA 4665. PLYMOUTH 1939 de luxe touring sedan: radio, heater, good tires: looks and runs good; will trade; 15 months to pay.

National Auto Sales. 815 W. Broadway. JA 4665. PLYMOUTH 1935.

4-door sedan; looks and runs swell: heater: seat covers: will trade. King Auto Sales. 944 S. 3d. JA 1921.

PLYMOUTH coupe; 5 good tires; in good condition; by original owner; $320. 904 S. Clay. PONTIAC 1937 town sedan: radio. heater: 5 good tires; looks and runs good: will trade: 15 months to pay.

National Auto Sales. 815 W. Broadway. JA 4665. PONTIAC 1938 5-passenger club coupe: radio, heater: looks and runs swell: will trade: 15 months to pay.

National Auto Sales, 815 W. Broadway, JA 4665. PONTIAC 1936 coach; good tires: terma: trade: 75 other cars. Gardner's Lot. 1255 S.

Preston. PONTIAC 1940 sedan; new tires; radio, heater; guaranteed: trade and terms. Geo. Byers Sons. 950 S.

3d. WA 1317. PONTIAC. 1937 club coupe: radio, heater: looks and runs good. $420.

Walters Auto Sales, 858 S. 3d St. WA 0900. PONTIAC 1935 coach: $345: will trade. Cooke Pontiac 846 S.

3d. JA 2171. STUDEBAKER 1942 Champion 4-door sedan: 2-tone finish like new: radio, heater, overdrive, seat covers: 24.000 actual miles: 5 original tires: priority needed: will trade: 15 months to pay, King Auto Sales, 944 3d. JA 1921. STUDEBAKER 1938 President sedan: radio, heater; real car at a real price: will trade: 15 months to pay.

King Auto Sales. 3d. JA 1921. STUDEBAKER 1941 Champion club coupe; clean; good tires: guaranteed: trade and terms. Geo.

Byers Sons. 950 S. 3d. WA 1317. WILLYS 1937 sedan: heater; good tires: will get up to 33 miles gallon: 15 months to pay.

National Auto Sales. 815 Broadway. JA 4665. WILLYS American 1942 coupe: here's a new car: priority needed. Geo.

Byers Sons, 950 S. 3d. WA 1317. UNDERSELLING EVERYBODY Every Car Bargain Authorized O.P.A. Dealer Buy before used cars are rationed.

1941 De Soto custom de luxe sedan: radio heater. 1937 Cadillac de luxe sedan: radio, heater; 5 good tires. 1938 La Salle de luxe 4-door sedan; radio, heater: good tires. 1941 Dodge custom de luxe sedan: radio, heater: fluid drive: good tires. 1941 Packard club convertible coupe: radio, heater; low mileage.

1940 Nash de luxe club coupe: radio. heater. 1938 Nash Lafayette sedan; radio, heater: 5 good tires. 1938 Pontiac de luxe coupe; radio. heater: 5 good tires.

1939 Pontiac de luxe 4-door sedan: radio. heater: good tires. 1939 Oldsmobile de luxe 5-passenger club coupe: radio, heater. 1941 Packard sedan; radio, heater; 5 good tires. 1939 De Soto de luxe sedan: radio, heater: 5 good tires.

1939 Ford de luxe convertible coupe: radio, heater: luxe tires. 1938 Dodge de sedan: radio, heater: good tires. 1938 Buick de luxe sedan; radio. heater; 5 good tires. 1937 Buick de luxe sedan: radio, heater: 5 good tires.

1939 Ford de luxe coupe. 1937 Chevrolet coupe: radio. heater: 5 good tires. 1937 Plymouth de luxe sedan: radio, heater: 5. good tires.

1939 Buick de luxe sedan: radio, heater; 5 good tires. 1936 Ponitac coach: radio, heater: 5 good tires. 1940 Mercury de luxe sedan: radio. heater; 5 good tires. 1937 Ford coach: radio.

heater: 5 good tires. 1937 Chrysler sedan: trunk, radio. heater; 5 good tires. 1941 Pontiac club convertible: radio. heater: 5 good tires.

1938 Hudson de luxe 4-door: radio, heater: 5 good tires. We have most any model car you want, 1939. 1938. 1937. 1936.

15 months to pay. Your car will probably make the down payment. Every car with 5 good tires. The Largest Selection in City. NATIONAL AUTO SALES.

"Nationally Known" 815 W. Broadway, JA 4665. Opposite Sears, Roebuck. Open Evenings and Sundavs. Trucks.

Trailers. Chassis. 28 CHEVROLET 1939 long wheelbase; International 1937 long wheelbase. has cattle rack; both flat bed. 3138 Vermont.

DODGE, 1939. chassis: good tires; White tractor, trailer. 2515 Northwestern Pkwy. FORD 1936: V-8 dump truck. capacity: A-1 throughout; real coal truck, ready to roll.

4412 Almond St, INTERNATIONAL C. S. 35: chassis and flat and racks; 8.25x20 tires: perfect shape. CHEVROLET 1936 truck: good shape: chassis and flat. CHEVROLET 1937 truck; good shape; chassis and flat; will sell for ceiling price.

J. L. Suter, Warsaw, Ky. Phone 2451-2452. TRACTOR and trailer, flat bed; a good one; trailer is like new: the tractor would be good for wrecker: just what a farmer needs; sell or trade for car.

Wheeler Service Station. 975 S. 2d. FOR SALE One new 1945 Diamond Truck, Model 404-H S. wheel base, 7.50-20 front tires, 8.25-20 duals: 2-speed rear axle heavy springs, and Bendix hydrovac, booster: permit required to buy truck.

MITCHELL IMPLEMENT COMPANY Phone 242-J. Princeton. Kentucky. House Trailers. 29 ADAMS Trailer Sales Buy with confidence: Louisville's oldest most reliable dealer.

Platt. Schult and Kozy Coaches, new 1945 models with Preway gasoline ranges. We get your priority for you. 7th and Noble Place. Shively, Ky.

WHY PAY RENT Complete display of new Almas, Americans, Gliders, Luxors. Schult trailers. Many good used trailers in stock. Low down payment; 12, 18 or 24 months to pay. (Always the at) FROEHDE MIDWEST TRAILER SALES 10th and Spring, Jeffersonville, Ind.

WANTED to rent heated house trailer, to be set stationary, for about 2 months, by couple. MA 6122. HOUSE trailer, large, partly equipped. and truck; reasonably priced for quick sale. Call TA 4560.

Motorcycles and Bicycles. 30 BICYCLES wanted. 50: boys' and girls': frames, parts; will call at your home, save cost and worry; rebuilt bicycles, balloon tires and tubes. 20, 24. 26; parts: repairing a specialty.

SH 8300. Walter D. House, Broadway at 20th, 1117 Longfield. BICYCLE. Lincoln: man's: 26-inch wheel: in good condition: good tires.

661 S. 40th St. Autos, Trucks for Exchange. 31 BUICK 1939 4-door sedan; spotlight, fog lights, radio, heater: A-1 condition throughout; will take cheaper car in trade. Jeffersontown 5912 after 6:30 p.m.

CHEVROLET truck: engine just rebuilt; oversize tires: swap for light car. See truck at 232 E. Main. DODGE 1936 panel truck: will trade for late model car. MA 9145.

FORD 1937, stake body, truck; 6 good tires: long wheelbase for automobile. Jeffersontown 5912 after 6:30 p.m. For -Autos, Trucks. 32 MODERN trucks; panel. stakes, vans, to towns; sedans, coaches; reasonable rates.

HERTZ STATIONS. JA 4251. Tires and Accessories. 34 TIRES: "1st grade factory seconds," most passenger car sizes, at savings, with certificates. Factory Tire Plant.

Floyd and Main, and Universal Car 25th and Broadway. Wanted -Autos, Trucks. 35 SELL Your Car at Packard Plaza. Highest prices paid for any make or model: no forms to fill out; we handle everything. PACKARD LOUISVILLE MOTOR CO.

Clay and Broadway, DON'T give your big Buick away. specialize in large sized Buicks: highest cash prices. Call Scoggin, dealer. JA 6269 or TA 8060. CARS WANTED Any make 1929 to 1942 models.

PERRY MOTOR co. 103 W. Broadway. WA 8949 WAR worker desires clean car in good running condition: preferably 1939 02 1940 Chevrolet, Ford. or Plymouth, 5- passenger; cash.

Call HI 0716 after 7 p.m. need cars immediately, any, make or model: will pay premium prices. Call Conley Arnold. Dealer. JA 1921 or FR 2298.

CONVERTIBLE. 1940 1941. in good condition: will pay cash. FR 5756. 403 Tenny Ave.

TRUCK; sedan delivery or panel: for cash, or trade for 1941 Plymouth de luxe; perfect condition. SH 4144-J. WE buy, and sell any make or model. WEIR MOTORS INC. 845 S.

3d. JA 2141. Cash for Used Cars. HIGHLAND CHEVROLET co. 2233 Bardstown Rd.

HI 0781. GET more for your car. regardless of its condition. Gardner's Lot. 1255 S.

Preston. MA 7303. WELKER pays top O.P.A. prices. Call JA 8814 or come to 335 E.

Broadway at Preston, across from WAVE CASH for your car. Monarch Auto Co. Brook and Broadway, JA 8218, ARMY officer returned from overseas desires late model used car. WA 6848: evenings, HI 1639..

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.